Friday, June 4, 2010


Thursday, June 1, 1905, Rev. 22:17
Warm and nice till in pm, it clouded up and just after six it rained and hailed real hard for a little while. Noah took butter to La Valle and just got home before the storm. Got a letter from Tillie. May didn’t come. Ruth Mortimer Thew’s first wedding anniversary.

Friday, June 2, Ezek. 36:27
Beautiful day. I am tired so from overwork. Noah took his wool to Louie Lee and got 31¢ for it. Came to $105.09 = 339 pounds. John Good and one of his kids were here for dinner. Bought some stock of Noah. I ran down to Horace’s this eve and got a letter from Mary saying she had another boy just as homely as the pattern. Dear me! I’d quit if I couldn’t do any better than that. I’ve looked all day for Mae Hanzlik but she hasn’t come.

Saturday, June 3, Prov. 3:5
Nice till along in pm. It clouded up and began to rain. Rather warm. I went to Valton this pm and got a belt 25¢ and also got caught in the rain. 2¢ for candy. Noah got insured today. Barn $800.00.

Sunday, June 4, John 3:16
Warm. Dan came home last night and he and I went to the Children’s Day Exercises. I went with Horace’s and took care of Mamie during meeting. House was full. Dan and I stayed for dinner at Horace’s then blabbed till 5 pm, mostly about the coming excursion to Madison. I ans. Mary and Nets letter and had gone to bed and it was just pouring rain when Frank Shore and Nora Canon brought Mae Hanzlik so she is here and I’m glad of it.

Monday, June 5, Luke 11:9
Rained hard this morn. Very warm. Cloudy and sultry. Mae whacked out my skirt and got it done and cut the waist. We had a big chat this eve and she promised to take the Y.C. Oh now I hope I can get one more in time to get the tea set. I like Mae so much.

Tuesday, June 6, Isa. 55:7
Nice morn. Changeable – one shower. I drove the team part way to Wonewoc as Noah took some calves. Old stub tail and 3 other cattle to market. Eddie went to help. Horace went as far as I did. Mae and I went down to Horace’s this eve. Dear Old Horace. Noah gave me $10.00.

Wednesday, June 7, Isa. 12:3
Very fine day. May finished for me and in the eve we went to Valton. May is going to send for Dell. I got buttons 40¢, stamps 24¢, money order 5¢, premium $1.05, May $2.25. May subscribed for the Y.C. and I sent in her sub and also sent for the syrup pitcher. I got a “Peggy” for a dollar at Wilson’s but didn’t pay for it. Now I only need one more subscription to get the tea set and butter dish. Hope it will be forthcoming soon. I paid Noah 20¢ back out of the $10.00 so we are even next Mon. June 12.

Thursday, June 8, John 3:16
Nice day. I’m rather tired but have lots to do so keep going. I wanted to go to the school entertainment and graduating exercises at Valton this eve, but couldn’t. Willis Hanson graduated.

Friday, June 9, 1905, Rom. 15:5
Rainy and cloudy. Not much prospect of a nice day tomorrow. I got as near ready as I could. Dan came over. Hope we can go.

Saturday, June 10, The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. Ps. 24:7
We went to Madison. Cloudy all day but only a very slight sprinkle of rain in am. Rain here at home and most of the way home. Lennie, Calie, Eddie, Dan, and I went and a lot from around Valton. Had a fine time. Saw so much. Frank White took us around to lots of places we didn’t know of. Fire department was nice. We visited the Agricultural School and barns, etc. The Historical Building, Capitol, Gymnasium, 5 & 10¢ store and took a long car ride. Frank White took us to a nice restaurant where we had our dinner free gratis at his expense. We got back before 11 o’clock. Glad we went. Only cost me $1.50 – fare $1.25, candy 5¢, and views of Madison 10¢, street car fare 10¢. Hope we can go again.

Sunday, June 11, 2 Thes. 3:3
Cloudy. Lennie stayed all night and till nearly noon. Spurrier came up and stayed to dinner. I went down to Horace’s in the eve and got a letter from Cuz Jennie that came Fri.

Monday, June 12, Ps. 119:4-8 Time for “It has come”
Nice day. Had a big Temperance Picnic at Valton and Oliver W. Stewart lectured at 2pm and again at 8pm. I got over just in time to hear the program. Had some speaking and singing and the band played. Annie Lyon had a good piece. Charlie and Alta Lyon were there, also Mrs. James. The lecture was splendid. I went again this eve and it was even better than the other. He said an Irish man proved a cat had 9 tails for no cat has 8 tails and our cat has 1 more tail than no cat. I sent for my tea set and butter dish. Walt Spurrier subscribed and promised to pay as soon as he can (He paid O.K. July 6).

Tuesday, June 13, John 3:16
Warm and clear. I did a big wash. Nellie Hanson came up on an errand a few minutes.

Wednesday, June 14, Num. 6:25
Warm, cloudy and stormy at eve. Nate raised his barn. I cleaned my room and the front room. Ran down after the mail and got the Y.C.

Thursday, June 15, Ps. 27:14
Warm, clouded up and rained a shower about 4 pm. I cleaned up stairs this am. And this pm went up to school. Lennie and Tressie were there and Nellie came just after I did. They all came round home my way.

Friday, June 16, I Chron. 28:20
Nice day, quite warm. I went to Valton in pm and got the silver syrup pitcher I ordered for Mae Hanzlik’s subscription. Very nice and I’m glad to get it. Calie’s school is out today. Horace’s all went up this pm to school, no farther.

Saturday, June 17, Ps. 27:14
Stormed last night, quite nice day. Warm. Very beautiful eve.

Sunday, June 18, Luke 11:9
Cloudy then cleared off very warm. Stormy towards eve. Dan and I went to S.S. and to Aunt Phebe’s then on home. Such a warm walk. Wrote to Tillie this pm.

Monday, June 19, Ps. 141:3
Cleared off nice and this has been a very fine day. Somewhat cloudy this eve. I ironed and picked a pan of strawberries. Ran down to Horace’s after the mail. Nothing but a little paper. They got an invitation to Frank’s wedding and we talked it over.

Tuesday, June 20, Lam. 3:25
Cloudy this morn but came off nice, not desperately warm. I ran over to Valton this pm. Got 2 shirts 50¢, tablet 5¢ = 55¢. We are all astonished at the queer taste shown in the invitations to Frank Mortimer’s wedding. Horace’s are invited and Wilson’s are not. Ralph, Dolph, Sim, and Millie are invited, and Bert got an invitation to do Frank’s chores while he is gone. Then they invited a lot of outsiders that we can’t account for.

NOTE FROM JEANNE WALLENDAL JESSIE: Frank Rex Mortimer and Jeanne Ann Wallendal are 1st cousins 3 times removed. Their common ancestors are Abraham (Bull) Buell and Sarah Mortimer.

Frank married Lora Maud SHAFFER 21 June 1905.

Wednesday, June 21, Ps. 19:14
Frank Mortimer and Maude Shaffer married this eve at 8 o’clock. Mary and Horace went. Also most of the others who were invited. Somewhat cloudy and a little rain and nice cool eve. I went down and stayed with Horace’s kids. We had a lot of fun reading the funny page of the July L. H. J.

Thursday, June 22, Ps. 19:1,2
Such a glorious cool morning and day. Oh it has been so nice. I washed. Ran down this eve but got no mail. They gave me one of the souvenir paper napkins from the wedding.

Friday, June 23, Ps. 119:133
Nice day. I did my work in am and this pm went over to Laura Gibbons’ to a quilting for Lydia. I didn’t sew a stitch. There were lots and lots of women there. Lydia is such a sweet girl and has a fine baby. Got a card telling me my tea set is at Wonewoc so ran down to ask Horace if he’d go to W. tomorrow but he said he was too busy. Oh, I wish I could go and get it and my teeth. Mrs. Peterson paid me today for the Y.C.

Saturday, June 24, Matt. 7:7
Cloudy and quite warm. I did my work in am and in pm as good luck would have it, Horace, Caley, and Bert went to Wonewoc and I went along and got my teeth, tea set, and a corset. M so glad I got to go. Think my tea set is fine. Dan came home this eve and said I could send Sarah Brown’s name in for the Y.C.

Sunday, June 25, Micah 7:19
Warm and somewhat cloudy and in pm it rained quite a lot. I started to s.S. but Lennie didn’t go so I stayed there till after the rain. Zella is the sweetest baby.

Monday, June 26, Ps. 119:133
Nice day. I ironed. Went to V. in pm. I am going to get “Wild Animals I have Known” for a premium for Sarah’s sub. Noah let me have $6.00 so that makes us even to July 10 unless he has some $200 a wk. Work on account of hands. I salted down a five D. gold piece today, dated 1899. Wrote to Mary this eve.

Tuesday, June 27, Col. 3:23
Beautiful day. I went to V. in pm and got a letter from Mary and Net so ans. it this eve. I sent Mary $2.00 from L. T. Hope it will do her lots of good.

Wednesday, June 28, Ps. 27:14
Beautiful day. Been busy. Frank Spurrier and Walter Small came to paint the barn so I’ve got my hands full of work. Ran down to Horace’s this eve for butter and the mail. Got Y.C. Deacon Robinson from Zion City was there. I wish he was going to stay and lecture. I didn’t have an introduction to him.

NOTE FROM JEANNE WALLENDAL JESSIE: Here is Frank Spurrier's obituary.
OBITUARY, Sauk County Historical Society

Francis E. Spurrier was born May 23, 1883 in Woodland township, the son of John and Eliza Spurrier.

On Dec. 23, 1910 he was married to Beatrice Bradley, a union that was blessed with three children.

He was an employee of the Badger ordnance works when the powder plant was first built. He had also worked at the blacksmith shop in LaValle.  He died Saturday, Feb. 8, in a local hospital after a long illness.

Surviving besides his wife are two daughters, (Sylvia) Mrs. Arnold Schwartz, 436-5th St.; and (Delores) Mrs. Lyle Gudenschwager, LaValle; two grandchildren; and a sister, Mrs. Alice Stanley, Richland Center.

Services were held Monday, Feb. 10, in the Hammer funeral home with Rev. Kenneth Whitley, pastor of the Advent Christian church at LaValle, officiating, and burial was in Oak Lawn cemetery, LaValle.
Our thanks are sincerely extended to all who helped in any way during the illness and passing of our loved one. Your many acts of kindness were greatly appreciated and will always be remembered.

Mrs. Francis Spurrier
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gudenschwager and Family
Newspaper Unknown, most likely Reedsburg Free Press
Francis E. Spurrier
Born: May 23, 1883
Entered into Rest: February 8, 1969
Services From: Hammer Funeral Home, Reedsburg, Wisconsin, Monday, February 10, 2:00 p.m.
Clergyman Officiating: The Reverend Kenneth Whitley, Advent Christian Church, LaValle, Wisconsin
Final Resting Place: Oak Lawn Cemetery, LaValle, Wisconsin
Pallbearers: Bernard Kennedy, Floyd Smith, Evert Jackson, Harvey McWilliams, Carroll Rabuck, L. J. Dudleston

Thursday, June 29, John 3:16
Rain in am. Henry took Dea. Robinson to Wonewoc in pm. I went down after the amil and got a letter from Lestie.

Friday, June 30, Eph. 4:29-32
Cloudy. Rain quite a bit in pm. I’ve been tearing up a lot of old letters and trash. Always have the blues when I undertake such a job.

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