Thursday, May 20, 2010


Monday, May 1, I Cor. 13:1-3

Sun came up and soon hid behind the clouds and it began a cold steady rain. Dan, Noah and I are about laid up, all feel sick.

Tuesday, May 2, John 3:16
Dolph came. Looked rainy but waited till eve to do it.

Wednesday, May 3, Eph. 4:32
Warmer and nice. Dan and I went to Valton this eve and got some groceries and borrowed some dishes against the day of raising. I’m very miserable with a terrible aching in my back and legs. Don’t know what It can be.

Thursday, May 4, Num. 6:25
Nice day. Nellie Hanson came up and helped me get ready to raise tomorrow. Worked hard but feel better. Dan, Horace and I went to the contest this eve. Ethel Hutchins, Ethel Jordan, Edith Hutchins, Nellie Hanson and Myrtle and Iva Shore

each spoke. Judges were Will Hall, Bert Snyder, and Mr. Horton. Ethel Hutchins got the medal. She did very well. It was in the Alliance concern so they were all Temperance pieces. Noah brought home our photos we had taken last sat. They are real funny.

Friday, May 5, Ps. 27:14
Cold this morn and rather windy but came out a fine day and the men came. About 14 from outside and up went the barn. Lennie came up and helped me and oh how we did work! I was very miserable with my legs and at eve they became so bad I could scarcely navigate.

Saturday, May 6, Ps. 27:5
Nice cool day. Lennie helped till after dinner. Horace, Eddie and Arthur Smith came and helped on the barn as they didn’t get done yesterday. Oh my legs are so bad, swollen and broken out as red as fury from poison off of my stockings I guess. I took a bath.

Sunday, May 7, John 15:8
Nice till along in pm it got windy and cloudy and in eve we had a big rain. Dan and I went down and got Lennie and Calie and went to S.S. I was so miserable I could hardly stay till S.S. was over. Went up to Aunt Phebe’s awhile then over to Horace’s and on home. Just hobbled along. Gave Allie G. one of our photos. Edna came up, saw her. Wrote to Net and Mary and Janie. Sent a photo of Lennie and I in each letter.

Monday, May 8, John 14:1-3
Nice cool day. I’m somewhat better. Did quite a little work but am far from strong. This is dear Nellie’s (Bouma) Birthday.

Tuesday, May 9, Ps. 51:9
Cloudy till noon then rain all pm. Cold and windy. Ab Good and Arthur Hutchins came to help on the barn. Ethel brought them over and stopped here awhile. She invited us over to their place next Sat. Eve to ice cream and a sociable time.

Wednesday, May 10, Ps. 51:0
Cloudy and quite cool. I finished my washing and did other work. Frank Mortimer and Eddie helped this pm. Other boys didn’t come back.

Thursday, May 11, John 3:16
Rained a lot. I rode down to Horace’s with Frank to get the mail. Got the Burr-McIntosh and Smart Set sample copies I sent for and my Y.C. Eddie and Frank here for supper. Frank’s birthday 24 and Ruth has a boy – her first baby came on Frank’s birthday.

Friday, May 12, John 3:16
Glorious beautiful day. I did my work with more ease than for a long time. Oh I hope I’m going to get well soon. Had 7 (counting our own) to cook for today. Lennie and Nellie came up to hang Dolph a May basket but he had gone to bed. Also brought one for Pat. But we didn’t hang it.

Saturday, May 13, John 14:1
Nice till eve, began to rain. Eddie Mortimer, Arthur Hutchins, Dolph Mortimer here.
They got the rafters up and nearly all the siding on the barn. I went up this morn to see it. Wish it were done and we could have a nice party in it.

Sunday, May 14, Jas. 1:5
Rainy. Nates came over and we had a nice time but lots too short. I rode down to Horace’s with them and had a pleasant chat. Ans. Ethel Watersons and Laura’s letters. Send them some of our proofs.

Monday, May 15, Gen. 18:25
Nice till eve began to rain. Dolph and Arthur here. Frank in pm.

Tuesday, May 16, Lam. 3:25
Rained all night. Cloudy all day and began to rain about 4:30 or so. I planned to visit Caley’s school but it began to ‘drizzle’ just as I started so I came back.

Wednesday, May 17, Ps. 91:2
I washed a few duds as we had no extra hands. Cloudy day. Ran down to Horace’s in eve and saw Abe a few minutes. Got a letter from Tillie and my Y.C.

Thursday, May 18, Rev. 22:14
Gray and chill. I went up to visit Caley’s school in pm. Enjoyed it. Got my spelling lesson correct. After I came home I broke on of my upper false teeth out. Oh I’m so sorry.

Friday, May 19, Micah 7:19
A glorious day and eve. Warm. I baked pies and mopped and this pm I went to Valton. Got starch 10¢ and paid Nellie 25¢. We are all hoping to go to Madison June 10 and that is all the talk.

Saturday, May 20, Prov 22:4

Nice day, quite warm. Ruth Mortimer Thew is 25 years old today.
Dolph and Arthur were here. They are getting along with the shingling.

Sunday, May 21, John 3:16
Nice day. Lennie and I went to S.S. and when I came back Mary, Mamie, and Zella came up. Also Horace and had dinner and quite a visit. We all went up to the barn. I got a letter from Mary this morn. I enjoyed Mary’s and children’s visit today.

Monday, May 22, Ps. 20:1
Little rainy in morn, then very nice the rest of the day. Dolph came and worked today then Noah paid him off and let him go. I ans. Tillie’s letter and sent her a photo of myself, wrote to Mae Hanzlik to see if she could come and sew for me. Ran down to Horace’s this eve to get the mail and found Nora Canon and several others were going to hang a May basket for Nellie H., so I went along and we had a joy time. Pat finished his work at the mill and packed up his traps and went away this pm.

Tuesday, May 23, I Peter 3:10 Good text.
Very fine day. Noah got his ventilators at Ironton today. I scratched out the pantry etc. and did part of the washing. Ran down to Susie’s this eve.

Wednesday, May 24, Amos 5:6
Nice except a slight sprinkle of rain and that was nice too. Noah is 25 years old today. He and Dan put the ventilators up on the barn today. I ran down to Horace’s this eve.

Thursday, May 25, John 3:16
Nice day. I ironed. Ran down for the mail.

Friday, May 26, Ps. 19:14
Nice day. I went to Valton and got 2 prs. Hose and a letter from Mae Hanzlik. She said she’d come and sew for me. Hope I can have a decent skirt once. Noah paid me $8.00 this morn and owes me $4.00 yet.

Saturday, May 27, Isa. 54:17
Cloudy, cool and a few little sprinkles of rain. Teed and Horace and I went to Wonewoc. I got dress goods $3.25, thread 10¢, hose 30¢, ribbon 27¢. Horace got us a fine dinner at Roach’s Restaurant, also a dish of ice cream and I gave him 5¢ back = $3.97. I went to Moe and he said he could fix my teeth for $1.00.

Sunday, May 28, Isa. 55:2
Cloudy and cool and a little rain. Lennie and I went to Sun. S. and to Aunt Phebe’s and Lennie came home with me and Mae and Amy Hanzlik came and stayed a little while. Lennie and I went up to the barn. Had a pleasant time.

Monday, May 29, Isa. 55:7
Rained all night and all morn. Cloudy and drizzly all day. Cool.

Tuesday, May 30, Luke 7:50
Decoration Day and Valton celebrated. I wanted to go but couldn’t as I had a lot of baking to do. I ran over to Allie’s this eve and got my goods I left there last winter. Mamie is 6 years old today. Nice day. Dan went to Nate’s today.

Wednesday, May 31, John 3:16
Nice and quite warm. John Mortimer here shearing sheep, 10¢ per head. I’ve been busy getting ready for Mae’s coming.

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