Friday, July 2, 2010

Hattie Smith's August 1905 diary

Saturday, July 1, Rom. 4:20-25
Cloudy and somewhat rainy so Walter Small and Frank Spurrier went home at noon. Ran down to Horace’s this eve, but got no mail.

Sunday, July 2, Rom. 5:21
Somewhat warm. I went to Sun. S but didn’t stay as everyone was off for Camp Meeting. Visited Aunt Phebe a while, then stopped at Horace’s and Mary came as far as Susie’s and Lennie and Tressie came up with me and we went up to the barn. Dan and Noah fixed a swing and we had a fine time. Jim took me to S.S. in his buggy this morn.

Monday, July 3, Rom. 5:8-10
Calie’s 17th birthday. Big shower this am. Some cloudy all day. I washed. Jim here.

Tuesday, July 4, Prov. 21:21
Independence Day. Such a queer day, clouds and little showers and wind and a it of sunshine. I stayed home all day. Dan here. I read during my spare time in pm.

Wednesday, July 5, Matt. 5:4
Nora Canon 28 years old today. Warm, quite nice in am but rain in pm. Nellie Hanson came just after dinner so she had her dinner and stayed a while then I went down to Horace’s with her. Got a letter from Tillie.

Thursday, July 6, Ps. 34:7
Cloudy and warm. Walter Spurrier sent me the $1.75 for the Y.C. I went to V. in pm and got calico for 2 loose dresses $1.08, lace 24¢. Met Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Horton’s sister. Got a letter from Mary and the book (Wild Animals I Have Known”) from the Y.C. Nora came over the hill with me and we had visit. I like her.

Friday, July 7, II Tim. 2:15
Warm. I worked all day hard. Ironed in pm.

Saturday, July 8, II Tim. 2:24
Cloudy, stormy in pm. I wanted to go and pick the berries but it rained before I got to. Maude and Frank went to Wonewoc to mill.

Sunday, July 9, Ps. 46:1
Nice day. Lennie and I went to S.S. Maude and Frank were out in their wedding finery. We wished them all the joy possible. Visited Aunt Phebe a spell. Susie and Eddie came up and we went up to the barn a while. Maude wanted Ida and I to come up but we could not.

Monday, July 10, Ps. 34:7
Nice in the morn but soon clouded up and in pm rained. Boys came to paint but went home in pm. Noah commenced to cut hay.

Tuesday, July 11, I Pet. 3:10
Cloudy and sprinkley all day. Dan came from Nate’s. I got a letter from Laura and one from Net.

Wednesday, July 12, Jas. 1:5
Cloudy but no rainy. Some sunshine. Noah and Jim busy at the hay. Dan at the barn. I ran down for the mail this eve. Got Y.C. Dan fixed my door so it shuts all right – good. Sewed this pm at my new calico gown.

Thursday, July 13, Col. 3:2
Nice day. Cloudy this eve. Noah put the first hay in the new barn. I washed and did other work. Went up this morn and saw them put in the second load of hay.

Friday, July 14, Isa. 53:6
Nice hay day. I digged all day. Ran down in the eve but got no mail.

Saturday, July 15, Heb. 10:24
Nice day and lovely eve. Very warm day, fine for hay at which Noah and Jim worked. I digged hard all day. Picked quite a few berries.

Sunday, July 16, Ps. 27:14
Bright, very warm and windy. Dan, Lennie and I went to S.S. Year ago, Al, Tillie, and Frank were here and in the eve Horace and I and Nora and Lestie and Lennie went to Valton to an ice cream supper and band doings. Wrote to Laura this pm.

Monday, July 17, Eph. 4:25-32
Nice till pm, it blew and got cool and rained some. Warm. I ironed. Ran for mail but got none.

Tuesday, July 18, Jas. 1:12
Clear and warm till about 5 pm, rained. I went to V. in pm. We intended to go up to Frank’s but the rain disappointed us.

Wednesday, July 19, Ps. 46:1
Nice, not so warm. Frank Spurrier and Walter Small finished painting the barn this am. I got a pair of new shoes $2.00. Dan and I went up and called on Frank and Maude this eve for the first time. They are cozily settled in their new home.

Thursday, July 20, Amos 5:6
Nice day. I finished one of my new calico gowns this pm. Busy nearly every minute. I long for a complete rest.

Friday, July 21, Gal. 5:22
Nice day and a magnificent star light eve. I’ve worked hard all day. Ran down to Horace’s this eve but got no mail. They have fixed a bathing pool out north of the barn and have great times playing in the water. Noah and Jim and Eddie and Dolph were down for a dive tonight.

Saturday, July 22, Phil. 2:5
Nice day. Dan finished his work on the barn so he will go home Mon. morn. I will miss him. Mary wrote to pa that her baby had died last Sat. They called him Clem. He is far better off than if he had lived.

Sunday, July 23, Golden Text
A most beautiful, bright morn and a fine day tho it clouded up some, cool. I went to S.S. and church and Ida Murdock came home with me. We visited the barn and Pat’s shanty and I went as far as where Mary used to live, with Ida on her way home. A beautiful rain bow appeared this eve after a few fine sprinkles of rain. Wrote to Mary this eve.

Monday, July 24, John 3:16,17
Nice and cool. Dan went home this morn early. I hated to see him go. I gave him my “Views of Madison.”

Tuesday, July 25, I Sam. 15:22
Cool and somewhat cloudy but considerable sunshine. Haying. I’ve been busy all day. Ran down to Horace’s but got no mail.

Wednesday, July 26, Isa. 55:7
Nice day. Rainy looking this eve. Got a long, jolly letter from Laura. Washed.

Thursday, July 27, II Thes. 3:3
Rather warm. I went to V. in pm. Got only Y.C. I wish so much to hear from the $10,000.00 cash prize offered by the Y.C. I have 5 shares in it so am interested.

Friday, July 28, Amos 5:6
Rained a little in the night, cloudy and several showers today. Clear and nice this eve. I swept up stairs and skimed around at the other work. Jim isn’t here today.

Saturday, July 29, Matt. 5:4
Rainy looking in am. So Jim didn’t come today. I went down to Horace’s and got Mamie to come home with me and we had a big visit. Zella is such a very sweet pretty baby.

Sunday, July 30, Luke 11:9
Bright and somewhat warm. Mamie and I went to S.S. she is such a dear child. I came home and did up my dishes and cans and wrote to Nettie & Cuz. Jennie.

Monday, July 31, Ps. 51:10
Rather nice day. Jim here. I went to V. this pm. Got a letter from Cassie.

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