Friday, April 16, 2010



Saturday, April 1, 1905, Luke 5:32
Nice day. I did up my work and went to V. in pm. Got Mamie 3¢ worth of candy. She came up home with me and stayed all night. Mr. Horton gave me a lot of old newspapers and said I could have all I wanted any time.

Sunday, April 2, Ps. 121:5
Rained in night. Rather cloudy and chilly all day. I went to S.S. and church then stopped at Horace’s till eve. Teed and Alf and 4 kids, Dell and Wilson and 2 kids, Mary and Nate & 1 kid, Frank, Glen, Tressie and Aunt Malinda were all there. Mary sat up most of the day. Baby is growing. I wrote to Net and finished Tillie’s letter.

Monday, April 3, Deut. 33:27
Nice this morning but at noon up came a big black cloud and it rained and thundered and lightened. Then the sun came out by spells and this eve we saw a rainbow. Eddie Hanson helped Noah this pm. I washed and got things partly dried. Noah got some utensils for the house and some syrup. Goyer’s Maplecane.

Tuesday, April 4, John 8:12
Election Day. Lots of wet snow “snew” in the night and continued to fall quite a while this morn. Cloudy all day. Noah went to Wonewoc and Dad went to Election. I straightened the clothes room and ironed. Allie G. came up this pm. Noah got 3 prs. 59¢ cotton blankets and a tea strainer.

Wednesday, April 5, John 3:16
Rather juberous in am but nice in pm. Eddie Hanson working here. Tressie came up in pm and I enjoyed her visit. Ran down to Horace’s this eve. Dear little baby is so nice. They talk of caller her Zella. I think that is a pretty name.

Thursday, April 6, Isa. 55:7
Changeable – spitting snow. Sunshine, more snow, cloudy, windy, etc. and tonight it is snowing hard and blowing harder. I went to town this pm and got a lot of truck. I got 6 pie plates and paid for them. Dell gave me 8 dishtowels and I appreciate them indeed.

Friday, April 7, Isa. 66:13
Ground covered with snow this morn but sun came out and took it all off. The Masons went home. Eddie Hanson here and Frank Smith came up to fix the pump on his tank and stayed for supper. I cleaned up some what in the pantry. Baked 3 pies and mopped. Worked hard all day. Willis (Willie?) Hanson 13 years old today. Noah went to Wonewoc and got some lime. I hope he will get his barn done in good season without any drawbacks or trouble.

Saturday, April 8, John 11:25
Cloudy for awhile then rained awhile then cleared off and got nice. Dolph, Mayo and Eddie Hanson here. I ran down to borrow some butter of Mary Harvey and they told me Calie had gotten his certificate and our school. Hurrah for Caleb. Success to him.

Sunday, April 9, John 3:16
Nice day, warm, cool in eve. I went to S.S. Lennie and Calie went too. I had dinner at Horace’s and in pm Nora Canon came down and I went as far as Aunt Malinda’s with her. Had a bait of russet apples. Mary has just been married 5 years.

Monday, April 10, John 14:1
Rather rainy looking but it held off and cleared up at night. Thundered and rained a little in the night. Hands are here working on the basement and I am scurrying to do the cooking. Ran down to Horace’s in the eve and had a pleasant time. Calie is sure of the school and I’m glad of it. Calie brought me 3 letters. 1 from Mary, 1 from Net, and one from (Cousin) Ethel Turner. Aunt Phebe’s and Ida Murdock’s birthday.

Tuesday, April 11, Ps. 19:14
Beautiful day. I ran over to Valton this pm then brought Mamie up home with me. Men here working.

Wednesday, April 12, Luke 5:31, 33
Mostly cloudy and very windy and cool. I mopped and did my other work. Mamie and I went up to see the basement this pm then I took her home and she cried so to come back. Dear child. Wrote to Mary and Net last night and sent it this morn. Net said in her letter she would start up to Mary’s this eve. I’m glad as I was afraid she’d not go and Mary might die for want of care.

Thursday, April 13, Ps. 51:10
Cloudy and began to snow about 4:30. I made 4 pies and a cake and mopped upstairs. Busy all day. Men here working at Noah’s basement. Read my little book “Thoughts Concerning The King” thru this eve.

Friday, April 14, Ps. 34:7
Clear and cold but cloudy towards eve. They didn’t go to work till 9:30 on account of the snow. I digged all day and ran down to Horace’s in the eve. Had a jolly time, as usual.

Saturday, April 15, Isa. 51:12
Clouds and sun “wrassled” all day. Some of the time Sol was ahead but most of the time Mr. Clouds was ahead and the winds was busy and cold. It snew for a few minutes this am. Stoughtenger went home before supper so I only had Dolph and Mayo extra. I got my work all done up square.

Sunday, April 16, Ps. 51:10
Cold wind. Cleared up at eve. I went to Sun. School and church. Lennie and Tressie and Calie also went. Calie taught a class. We went to Aunt Phebe’s for dinner and called at Dell’s. She has her house so nice now. Just fixed up fine. Came over and stopped at Horace’s awhile. Little Zella is so nice.

Monday, April 17, Eph. 4:32
Nice day, cool and windy. Noah and I were up before 4 o’clock. Noah went to Wonewoc. Pat came up and bought some hay. I went to V. this pm. Got some elastic 8¢, two frames 55¢ and stamps 25¢. I sent 15¢ for some safety pins this morning = $1.03. I went to the creamery with Nora Canon. First time I was ever there. Men here working on the basement.

Tuesday, April 18, Ps. 27:14
Very beautiful day and such a lovely moonlight night. Have worked hard all day. Ran down to Horace’s a few minutes this eve. No mail.

Wednesday, April 19, Ps. 91:11
Nice day. They finished the basement wall about 11 o’clock and then had dinner. I finished washing and mopped. Ran down after the mial in eve. Got only the Y.C.

Thursday, April 20, Ps. 51:10
Somewhat cloudy, warm and windy and commenced to rain about 4 pm, and turned cool. I ran over and got some brass tacks and screw eyes = 5¢. Dolph is here. Edie Tabor Chase has a baby. She was married just a year ago today. Got my Ladies Home Journal.

Friday, April 21, Prov. 3:9
Good Friday. A most beautiful day. Just a wisp of snow fell last night. I ironed. Ran down to see if there was any mail but got none. Dolph here.

Saturday, April 22, I Tim. 5:17
Beautiful day. Dan came this eve. All dressed up. We had quite a visit. He has a lot of religious books and papers and his quarterly so he will go to S.S. with me I guess. Wish Noah would too. Rob is building an addition on his house. It’ll be nice. Net has gone up to Mary’s.

Sunday, April 23, Isa. 43:25
Nice warm day. Dan and I went to S.S. and I and Lennie called at Aunt Phebe’s then came to Horace’s where I had dinner then Lennie and Tressie came up and we went up to see the basement and then across the fields and down thru the woods to the saw mill and up in Frank’s woods and back home where we had supper. Then I went as far as Eddie’s with them and stopped and had a short visit with Susie. Her baby is nice.

Monday, April 24, Ps. 51:10
Warm and calm. Dan, Dolph, and Eddie here working on the barn. I scratched away at the work all day. Am tired.

Tuesday, April 25, Isa. 55:7
Nice day, began to rain a little at eve. I ran down to see if there was any mail, found none.

Wednesday, April 26, Isa. 56:8
Rainy. I washed and did other work. Dolph went over to V. this am but worked this pm as it didn’t rain hard. Only a mere drizzle at the worst. Dan is feeling wretched. I do hope he won’t get sick. He looks bad.

Thursday, April 27, Isa. 50:20
Nice but some rain. I worked hard and ran down in the eve and got my Y.C. Noah got a load of potatoes of Will Hamburg at 15¢ per bu.

Friday, April 28, Ezek. 36:27
Cloudy with slight showers in pm. I went to V. in pm and got a lamp chimney 8¢, postals 6¢. Got a nice letter from Jennie and their picture, also a short letter from Mary and Net.

Saturday, April 29, Ps. 107:1
Cold, cloudy and sunshiny by spells. Clear at eve. I skimed around and got my work out of the way. Lennie came up before noon and helped me so we could go to town in pm. Horace, Lennie and I. We had a jolly time to be sure. I got slippers $1.75 and several other truck. Lennie got a hat. Lennie and I sneaked down to Mary Hutchins and got some photos on the sly. Hope they will be O.K. (NOTE: they were) Got home about 7 pm and Lennie stayed all night with me.

Sunday, April 30, Ps. 106:1
Nice cool day. Lennie and I went down and I got Mamie ready for S.S., and she and Horace and Calie and Lennie and I went to S.S. then during church Lennie, Horace, Mamie and I went up to the cemetery and took a long ramble among the brambles then came down and visited with Nate and Frank and Jim till church was out. Then I went over to Nate’s, rode in Jim’s new buggy with him and Ida. Sam and Annie and the 2 little girls came and we had quite a visit especially after they got to running on me about fellows. Had some apples. Good. Nora Canon came to Ida’s so I rode home with her and she got Lennie and Mamie and brought us all up home here. Arrived just as Pat did so we said Howdido or something. Everything looked so pretty and clean and green as we rode home. So beautiful.

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