Sunday, April 11, 2010


Wednesday, March 1, 1905 Gal. 6:9
Nice day, cloudy this morn but soon cleared up. Real lamb like. Noah and I put the beef in brine. Big job.

Thursday, March 2, Rom. 7:23
Warm and grey. I went to V. and got a letter from Cassie. Mamie Harvey came home with me and stayed till eve and I took her home. Dear child wanted to stay all night and I wanted her to but was afraid Mary would worry. I like her so much.

Friday, March3, Prov. 3:5
Nice day – thawed a lot. I went to the Lyceum this eve. Had a nice time. Glad to see Mollie Lee out Sat. with her and had quite a chat. Lennie and Joe Mayo sang such a funny song. They were dressed as an old man and old woman. “Laws a massy sakes alive I just begin to her you.”

Saturday, March 4, Acts 16:31
Froze quite hard last night. Beautiful today. I washed my cocoanut good.

Sunday, March 5, Ps. 119:133
Grey – froze last night. Thawing some today. Lennie and I went to S.S. and stopped at Aunt Phebe’s awhile. I called a few minutes at Susie’s then came home. This is Sim Mortimer’s 21st birthday.

Monday, March 6, Ps. 19:14
Grey – not thawing much. I got a letter from Net and ans. it this pm, and ran down to send it with Calie when he goes to school tomorrow. I told her to be sure to go up and help Mary. I sent for a pin tray and a sample of Goyer’s Maplecane Syrup.

Tuesday, March 7, Lord save or I perish.
When we looked out this morning it was snowing hard. Grey and not thawing scarcely. I ran down and baked a cake for Mary and helped a little. Wish I could do more for her. Of course Mamie coaxed to come home with me.

Wednesday, March 8, Rev. 2:7
Fine day – thawing a good deal. I baked some cookies this pm, then ran down to Horace’s. Calie brought me 3 letters and my Y.C. Mary sent me a cute watchcase and a little mat. Mary Harvey gave me a pint of maple syrup. One of my letters was written by Cassie and sent out to Colorado to Lestie’s fellow who addressed it to me. Cass signed it J. S. Livingston and pretended it was an ans. to the ad Jim put in the Valton Whale at my expense.

Thursday, March 9, I Tim. 6:8
Nice day. Froze up at eve. Dear little Mamie came up and stayed all day with me. How I love her. I took her home this eve and ran over to Henry’s a few minutes.

Friday, March 10, John 3:16
Changeable – cold- sunshine, snow etc. Not enough snow to amount to any thing. They got the engine up to the mill so they will soon be ready to saw logs. I mopped this pm.

Saturday, March 11, Isa. 58:9
Cold last night. Nice today till towards eve, it got cold and cloudy. I went to V. this pm. Allie was along and we called Dell’s and met Mr. Hadley. Called at Aunt Phebe’s. I got a lovely card tray and a pin tray as advertisements from the New Method Co., in Chicago. Road back with Mary and Albert. Hattie Snyder was married last Wed. Dear me.

Sunday, March 12, John 3:16
Clear and cold so we could walk on the crust. Went to church and S.S. Mr. Hadley preached a good sermon. Took dinner with Allie and Henry and spent the eve at Horace’s.

Monday, March 13, Ps. 19:14
Grey and snow in eve. I ran down and spent the eve at Horace’s. Got the sample of Goyer’s Maplecane Syrup I sent for.

Tuesday, March 14, 2 Thess. 3:3
Quite a snow. Cleaned up before noon and thawed some. I washed and finished my letter to Mary and ran down and sent it with Horace to the P.O. Calie got home from La Valle where he has been attending a teachers’ Examination.

Wednesday, March 15, Ps. 119:133
Grey and some rain. Noah had Eddie helping him haul lumber from the mill. I did the housework and ran down to Horace’s for the mail. Got only the Y.C.

Thursday, March 16, Prov. 30:8
Grey and Thawing. I cleaned the chimney and did up the morning work this am. & this pm I darned my hose, answered Cassie’s letter. This eve I ran over to Henry Gibbons to tell him to come and help Noah haul lumber tomorrow. Stopped at Horace’s and found 3 letters, one from Mrs. Parish, one from Tillie, and one from Aunt Becca. Eddie helped Noah haul lumber today. Robert Hyslop is 10 years old today.

Friday, March 17, Ps. 51:9-10
Grey and rainy. Henry and Eddie helped Noah part of the day. I swept up stairs and mopped the kitchen besides doing the other work. St. Patrick’s Day.

Saturday, March 18, Isa. 55:7
Just 36 years since Ma’s wedding day. Such a rainy day. I briggled around at my work. Got colder at eve.

Sunday, March 19, Isa. 55:8-9
Cold and windy. Snowed a bit this forenoon. Cleared up towards eve. I went to S.S. and to Aunt Phebe’s awhile then to Horace’s to dinner. Got a letter from Net. Wrote to Mrs. Parish this eve.

Monday, March 20, Ps. 31:24
Nice day, light clouds, thawed a little. Eddie helped Noah haul lumber. Henry helped in pm and Allie came up to see me. She brought me a nice sweet apple.

Tuesday, March 21, Matt. 10:29-31
Grey and thawing fast. Henry and Eddie here helping Noah haul his lumber. I ran down to Horace’s in pm and expected to go to the Band Concert in the eve but they were so late coming to supper I didn’t get started in time. I wanted to so much.

Wednesday, March 22, I Tim. 6:11-12
Rather inclined to raining in the morning. Thundered some, then cleared up and was nice. Somewhat hazy in pm. I went up to Noah’s place with him after dinner, then sewed. Noah finished hauling his lumber today. He promised to go to church if he got it all hauled on the sled and he did so I hope he’ll go.

Thursday, March 23, Ps. 51:10
Rainy till along in pm. Clear awhile. Henry Thoenes came down and lent Noah $500 then he and dad went to V. I ran down to Horace’s and got my Y.C. Mail didn’t come today. Roads are very bad. Mary gave me a few apples. NOTE: Apr. 12 – just ate the last of those apples tonight.

Friday, March 24, John 20:29-31
Nice day. Froze some last night. I went to Valton this morn and got me some rubbers 65¢, Zion candy 1¢, Foolscap 1¢. Got a book “Kate Kilbourn” and have just finished reading it. Quite an old book and also quite interesting. It belongs to the S.S. Library.

Saturday, March 25, Ps. 119:133
Rain some, gray. I did my work and this eve ran down to Horace’s Got my Ladies’ Home Journal and a letter from Carrie Woolever. Mary asked me to stay all night as she feared she’d need me before morning.

Sunday, March 26, John 3:16
This morning about 3 o’clock Horace brought Mamie up to Lennie and me so we knew the case was on. I got up about 6 and brought Mamie up and after I got my work done took Mamie to Susie’s and went down to help with the work. Pretty soon a little daughter arrived and yelled lustily. Aunt Malinda and Dr. Fowler were there. Teed came after the thing was done. Horace kept up a lot of nonsense. I stayed till after dark.

Monday, March 27, Isa. 55:1
Nice day, windy drying the roads fast. Noah went over and paid off his mortgage today. Of course, he had to borrow the money of dad, or at least a part of it. He got me a nice new granite kettle. I went down this pm and helped Lennie with the work. Baby is cute.

Tuesday, March 28, Deut. 30:16
Warm and very windy. The roads are drying very fast. I went to V. this pm and got some toweling. Stopped to see baby. She is such a little dear.

Wednesday, March 29, John 3:16
Cool and pleasant. Very beautiful eve. I wrote to Laura and took it to V. Got me some embroidery and thread 49¢. Called at Dells. She is renovating her house at a great rate. Called at Horace’s. Eddie helped Noah this pm and they commenced to dig the basement.

Thursday, March 30, Prov. 3:5
Nice day. I did my work in am and in pm ran down to Horace’s and helped Lennie awhile and then came up and stayed at Susie’s awhile as her baby is quite sick. After supper I ran down and stayed till midnight.

Friday, March 31, Luke 11:9
Leonard Fink helped Noah today. I mopped, swept up stairs and baked bread. Wrote to Tillie this pm. Ran down to see how Susie’s baby was this eve. Not much better. Her mother and father are up. Nice cool day. Not much of a Lion.

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