Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Hattie talks about WONEWOC, WI quite often, as that was the closest town with good shopping.  This photo is of the town of Wonewoc, with the next photo the 1938 graduation class. "V" is short for VALTON.
Sunday, January 29, John 3:14-15

Beautiful day. Lennie, Calie and I went to S.S. and Friends Quarterly Meeting. They had a good meeting Jimmie was there trotting around and sitting with Ida Murdock. Horace was over so we had a ride home. I stayed at Horace’s till after dark. Had a pleasant time. Ans. Tillie’s letter this eve.

Monday, January 30, Ps. 86:3
Nice day. A little snow in pm. I got a nice letter from cousin Ethel Waterson Turner. Ans. Mrs. Griffin’s letter.

Tuesday, January 31, Ps. 86:7
Very nice day. Noah and Eddie took two loads of rye to Wonewoc for Noah. I did my ironing.

Wednesday, February 1, 1905, Ps. 119:146
Bright and cold. Noah and I went to Wonewoc and I got so cold. I got 7 teeth filled and got them all nicely cleaned – cost $5.50. I have written to Carrie Woolever and Maude Frazier and answ. Ethel Turner’s letter this eve.

Thursday, February 2, John 14:1-6Clear and cold. I rode down to Horace’s this morn with Noah and chatted a little while. Have been nicking in the kitchen the rest of the day. Wrote to Net this eve. I hope I can coax her to come down and help me when Noah builds his barn. NOTE: Feb 2’1906 But she didn’t come.

Friday, February 3, John 3:16
Nice day. Allie came up this pm and stayed to supper. I escorted her home.

Saturday, February 4, Ps. 37:5
Nice day, much warmer. I did the usual Sat. work and had just come in to take my bath when Lestie, Nora and Frank Shore came to take me to the show so I went and had a very pleasant time. Saw the train robbery moving pictures. That was good and their other performance was comical.

They got a good one on Albert Chamness. His future wife’s name “as he found out tonight” will be Mrs. Albert Chamness.

Sunday, February 5, Matt. 5:6
Snowy day. I went down and got Lennie and we went to S.S. and church. Clemma was there and we had a nice time. Aunt Phebe gave me the cutest little tintype picture of Abe when he was about 12 or 14.

Monday, February 6, John 4:14
A most beautiful day. The bright sun on the new snow. Showed millions of diamonds. I went to Valton with Henry ls. And sent in Tillie’s subscription to the Youth’s Companion. Got the sample of Cailder’s chocolate I sent for last Wed. It is nice. Rode back with Horace. Got an invitation to a surprise party for Ira Gibbons next Thur. Eve. Noah went down to Geo. Bradley’s and got the oats G. borrowed of him.

Tuesday, February 7, Ps. 51:10
Very nice day. I cut out my red and dark plaid waist. Ran down to Horace’s in eve and sent with Calie for spool silk. A year ago today (Cousin) Laura came over home with me and we stopped at Horace’s and had such a time about Laura’s ‘Liver” (Bustle)

Wednesday, February 8, Ps. 51:12
Snowy all day. We’ve got so much snow now. I stayed at Horace’s till after 1:30 then got up and came home. Forgot my teeth but too stormy to go after them. Hope they won’t get broken. Sewed a little today.

Thursday, February 9, Prov. 9:10
Very nice in forenoon but windy and blowsy in pm. Very windy tonight. Got my teeth all right. Got my waist nearly done. Two fellows came to get signers for a rural route through here. I’m sure I don’t care for one. NOTE: Oct 2 -05 – the route has come so we’ve got it.

Friday, February 10, Jas. 1:12
Clear and cold. I went down and rode to V. to the Lyceum with Horace’s. Had a nice time. Jim had a paper that caused lots of fun. Said Valton was founded in 1492 by H.O.G. Harvey; son Caleb. They sailed up the old mill race to the present site of V. etc. etc. Hope they will up another one to beat his. Called it “The Valton Whale.”
Saturday, February 11, John 12:32

Snowing, snowing, snowing all day. I’ve briggled and puttered at the work all day and done but little.

Sunday, February 12, Rom. 5:1-19
Cold, windy, clear. I have been so stiff. I couldn’t go to S.S. so have read most of the time. Year ago tonight, Laura was here and I went to Valton with Horace and Lennie to hear Mrs. Danner lecture. I’ve read some old stories in my scrapbook today. “The Otter Skin Cloak” “The Man of the Family” “Hilda’s Birthday” and “How Uncle Walter Heard The Angel’s Song.”

Monday, February 13, Matt. 7:7
Clear and cold. They said at Valton this was the coldest morning so far this winter. I rode over with Frank and back with Horace.

Tuesday, February 14, Ps. 51:12
Clear, cold and windy. I’ve just briggled around at the work. Wanted to go after the mail but it was too drifted. Wish I’d get a Valentine.

Wednesday, February 15, John 3:16
Nice day. I bounced down thru the drifts to Horace’s this eve and got 3 letters. One from Mary, One from Tillie and one from Laura. My heart aches for poor Mary. How I wish I could go up and get her and bring her down here and take care of her. Had a good time at Horace’s.

Thursday, February 16, Ps. 23
Lots warmer and quite windy, some snow this morn. Nora, Lestie, Frank and I intended to go to Nate’s this eve but they didn’t come so I am very much disappointed. Hope they will go soon. NOTE: we never got to make that visit.

Friday, February 17, Ps. 31:1-3
Clear, cold and windy. Noah went to Casinovia after ice for the creamery at Valton. I went to V. with Henry G. and the roads were very badly drifted. Came near upsetting. Stopped at Horace’s and had a good visit with Mary till Noah came along. How I do enjoy being there.

Saturday, February 18, Ps. 19:14
Nice day. Noah hauled ice. I lent him $50.00 for a year at 5 percent interest. He paid me $5.00 out of his milk check. I ran down to Horace’s and got my Y.C. this eve. And it is a most beautiful moonlight eve.

Sunday, February 19, Isa. 53:4
Nice day. Thawing a good deal. Roy Carpenter’s sister, Nell, is dead. We are all sorry. She leaves a baby boy a week old. Lennie and I went to S.S. and church. We stopped at Aunt Phebe’s and then I went to Dell’s and stayed till after dark then came home.

Monday, February 20, Isa. 55:6-9
Thawing. I swept up stairs. Went down to Horace’s intending to go to hear Mr. Clark lecture but didn’t go. Had a lot of fun. I was hearing Lennie recite 6 pages of “Hiawatha” and in prompting her I said “Bedded soft in moth moss and ruthes,” then Lennie said “Tipped with flink and winged with fleathers.” And Horace read in the Zion paper “Converting the little cold feet” instead of covering etc.. and Mary told (cousin) Mamie to “shut the Doory.” And how we did laugh!!

Tuesday, February 21, Ps. 119:135
Sort of foggy and thawy. John Griffith had a sale today and I went down and rode to V with Horace’s and stayed all day. Geo. Mortimer was up and I spoke and shook hands with him. They organized a Good Templar’s Lodge last night with 22 members and they were after me to join but I guess I won’t. I sent a letter to Mary. Got 15 yds. of plaid goods at 35 and 3 yds. at 15¢ and paid Wilson $3.16 on my debt and now I owe him $8.50.

Wednesday, February 22, Matt. 5:8
Very nice day, thawing. I got some water ready for washing and wrote to Laura and Tillie. Guess I’ll send Laura the little paper knife for her birthday. Washington’s Birthday.

Thursday, February 23, Eph. 4:31
Grey foggy day. Washed partly. Ran down after the mail this eve and got a letter from Dan purporting to be from Engleburt Eide in ans. to the ad Jim put in his Valton Whale for me and another letter of the same stripe signed Jabed Bradlen. Someone is having a lot of fun I s’pose – well, so am I.

Friday, February 24, Isa. 58:6-11
Foggy, drizzly, rainy, and snowy. Such has been the weather. Red at sunset this eve. Reminded me of an Apr. eve long ago when it had been snowing and Ma and I had gone down to the cow pasture to milk. I finished the washing and did the other work. Am so lame with corns and rheumatism!

Saturday, February 25, Ps. 19:1
A beautiful day, thawing. This is Laura’s 46th birthday and little Reuben’s 1st. I cleaned up about as usual.

Sunday, February 26, Luke 14:11
Nice day. Went to S.S. and Friend’s Church. Mrs. Tetwiler is going to Oaks and not preach at Valton any more. Mattie came up after Lestie and all the kids came along so I got to see them all. Very glad too.

Monday, February 27, John 3:16
Nice day. I went to Valton with Henry and Allie. Sent the little paper knife to Laura =.04 postage. Allie came up this pm and we went down to see Mrs. Stoughtenger. Had a nice time. She has such a sweet pretty baby 14 months old, Gracie. Also has a girl 5 years old. Wrote to Laura tonight. Saw Pat today too. NOTE: Feb. 27 –06 Well, that was no great sight.

Tuesday, February 28, Luke 11:9
Very nice day. Such a lovely morning. I ran down to send Laura’s letter with Calie to mail. Ran down this eve and stayed with Mary and kids as Horace and Calie went to Band practice.

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