Friday, February 4, 2011


Thursday, March 1,  I Peter 4:8
Somewhat cloudy and began to rain in eve.  I ironed and bake a cake besides other work.

Friday, March 2,  Matt. 6:33
Rained all day.  I got a letter from J. D. Thomas (of Zion City) saying his mother, Mrs. Rachel Thomas died Feb. 19th.  Oh, I’m so sorry.  I went to Henry’s and got butter then spent the pm at Horace’s.  Oh, I have to have them go away.  Till and Al have rented a farm so aren’t going to Zion.

Saturday, March 3, 1906, Luke 11:9
Snowed all night and most of today.  I did my Saturday work.  Sold a few paper rags to a Jew Peddler and got a box of stationery.  Got samples etc. from Dennison Mfg. Co. and 3 copies of Munsey and one copy All Story Magazine.  Letter from Sears saying they couldn’t send the books I ordered.

Sunday, March 4, Rev. 21:6
Quite a nice day tho it drifted some was somewhat cold.  I went to S.S. and to Aunt Phebe’s a while then to Dells and spent the pm.  Had a good time.  Saw a “Laughing Camera” that Mr. Coleman gave to the boys.  It is so funny.

Monday, March 5, Prov. 3:5
Beautiful day – thawed nearly all the new snow off of the roads.  I went to V. in pm with Caley.  Got 14¢ of embroidery.  Sent for some crepe paper etc $1.00.  Ran in to Dells.  Mr. Coleman was there.  Wrote to Mary this eve.  Dad is going to send her $10.00.  It is good to be born lucky.

Tuesday, March 6, Ex. 33:14
Grey, snowed some, not cold.  I visited Susie and Mrs. Van Loon in pm.  Got a letter from Lestie.

Wednesday, March 7, John 3:16
Nice day.  I went down to Horace’s and had a very pleasant time this eve.  Started with the intention of going to church but didn’t get any farther than Horace’s.  Caley was showing off some of his Physical Culture tricks.
Thursday, March 8, Rev. 22:17
Thawy, somewhat cloudy.  I got a letter from Laura and the crepe paper and the _____ binding I sent for Monday.  Went to V. this pm, got Y.C.  Poor old Mrs. Clayton is dead, died yesterday.

Friday, March 9, John 3:16
Such a changeable day!  Windy, sunshine, clouds, snow etc all day.  Blowing a gale tonight.  I went to Mrs. Clayton’s funeral.  Warner preached.  She looked real natural.  Poor old soul, how good she used to be to us.

Saturday, March 10, Eph. 4:29-32
Kind of cold and spurts of snow etc.  I went down to Horace’s and spent the pm and in the eve I went over to Allie’s and got some butter.

Sunday, March 11, Ps. 141:3
Cold and windy.  Clear most of the time.  Lennie, Caley and I went to S.S. and Friend’s Church.  I came home and this pm wrote to Laura and read some.  Henry Thoenes was here for dinner.

Monday, March 12, Neh. 13:31
Cold, cloudy and a little snow at eve.  I did the work and made me a pair of “trousers.”  Henry Gibbons went over to Wonewoc after Ed and Anna but I’m not sure they came.

Tuesday, March 13, Rev. 21:6
Grey and cold.  I went down to Horace’s in pm and again in the eve and helped a little with the preparations for the sale.  Ed and Anna came but I haven’t seen them.  Poor Rob had the misfortune to get Ed’s horse’s leg broken so they had to shot him and Rob will have to pay $100.00 for him.

Wednesday, March 14, Num. 6:26
Grey and quite cold.  I baked bread and cookies.  Ed helped Noah saw wood Monday pm and yesterday and today.

Thursday, March 15, Deut. 33:27
Bright and quite chill.  Clouded up in pm and snowing tonight.  Horace had a big sale and got a fair price for things.  Lots of people there.  Ed and Anna and Baby are nice.  I was real glad to see them.

Friday, March 16, John 3:16
Bright and cold.  I cleaned up my room and the front room.

Saturday, March 17, Ps. 19:14
Nice day.  Thawed some.  Id did my Sat’s work.  Ran down to Horace’s a while this pm.  Nora Canon was there.  Horace had Tony hitched up and he goes so nice alone.  I hope they will keep him.  Got the 3 linen initial hdkf’s from Sears and Roebuck I sent for and they were nice.

Sunday, March 18, I Sam. 7:3
Grey and rather chilly.  Thawed a little.  Lennie and I rode to S.S. with Jim after his ponies he got of Horace at the sale.  They are so nice.  We went to Friend’s Church and heard the usual harangue from Mrs. Monroe.  Went to Aunt Phebe’s and had a big laugh with Mrs. Horton and Mrs. Anderson.  Mrs. A. is going away Tuesday.  I hate to have her go.  She is so jolly.  This is little Lucy’s birthday, 3 years old.

Monday, March 19, Eph. 5:1
Grey and not very warm, quite windy.  I got the washing started.  Eddie was here helping Noah saw wood.  I got 2 postals.  Have written to the National Cloak and Suite Co. for their spring Catalog and to the Dennison Mfg Co to see why the rest of the things I sent for don’t come and to ask the price of paper napkins by the doz.

Tuesday, March 20, Ps. 19:14
Bright with a high cold wind.  I ran over to Allie’s after butter this morn and Mary Jont and Ner and Mrs. Chamness and Annie and baby were there.  I stopped at Horace’s and Mamie came home with me.  I finished my washing and took Mamie home this eve.  Ed went home today and Horace went with him to cry Abe’s sale.  Mary said she thot they would move to Zion next Monday.  Oh how I hate to have them go.

Wednesday, March 21, Acts 10:38
Very windy and cold.  Part of the time sun shone and part the air was full of snow.  Eddie helped Noah.  Spurriers were here daddlin’ around.  I ran down to Horace’s a while this pm.  She, Mary, gave me a pail full of sorghum.  Caley was busy packing things.  Oh, I dread to have them go away.

Thursday, March 22, Ps. 73:28
Clear and cold.  I went to V. this pm and got there in time to bid Annie Good bye.  She is going to Jont’s and from there home.  Mrs. Bunker was reported dying.  I got two window shades 20¢, 4 yds. gingham 40¢.  Stopped at Horace’s.  Got a letter from Mary.  Abe’s sale today.

Friday, March 23, Rom. 6:23
Beautiful clear day with a snappy wind.  I mopped and did other work.  Horace came back from Withee.

Saturday, March 24, Matt. 5:6
Beautiful day.  I did my work and went to Henry G’s after butter and to Horace’s.  I’ve got a very bad cold and a fearful cough.  Got a letter from Tillie.  They have moved onto a farm 5 miles from Augusta.

Sunday, March 25, John 3:16
Cloudy and just after S.S. it began to rain and has rained most of the time all day.  Lennie and I went to S.S. and to Aunt Phebe’s.  I stopped at Horace’s and stayed a while.  They have been busy all day packing.  Oh dear, I hate to have them go.  Mrs. Bunker was still living today.  NOTE: She died at 3pm.

Monday, March 26, Eph. 4:29-32
Rained all day.  Horace’s took 2 loads of their goods to the train and the river rose so high they had to come back over the hill.  Noah started to take Net’s things but had to come back.  I got my mats for photos.

Tuesday, March 27, Ps. 19:14
Wrote to Mary and Net.  Got a letter from Laura.  Spent 29¢ for stamps and a postal.  Snew a little last night and is cloudy and thawing today.  I’m sick with a cold and headache and a sore nose.  Mrs. Bunker was buried today and Lester Mortimer and Mary Johnson were married.

Wednesday, March 28, Rev. 22:18
Cloudy and thawing.  Noah took Net’s things to Wonewoc and shipped them.  Beauro (bureau), rocking chair and 2 pictures.  I went down to Horace’s in pm and helped some then went back in eve.  Roscoe came over.  They are going away tomorrow.  They gave me a photo of Lennie, Calie, Nellie and Eddie.  I got a pr. Of rubbers, 65¢.  Maude came to Horace’s and bought a sub. to the Y.C.  Her mother is going to take it.

Thursday, March 29, Ps. 37:3
Cloudy till eve it cleared off nice.  I rose very early and went down and helped Horace’s get off.  Oh, how I hated to have them go.  I bade them good bye out at the gate.  Lennie, Mamie, Mary, Caley, and Horace.  I tried to tell them I appreciated their kindness but couldn’t.  I came in the house and cried all forenoon and often since.  Went to V. this pm.  Got shoes $1.00.  Wrote to Tillie this eve.  Sent in the 4th sub. to the Y.C.

Friday, March 30, Matt. 5:6
Beautiful day, windy, thawing a lot.  Roads very bad.  Wrote to Tillie.  Aunt Becca and Uncle Hiram came and are here tonight.  I sold a roll of crepe paper to Aunt Becca for 20¢.  Gave her 4 yds. of Gingham.  Willis Hanson came selling things and I ordered a 20¢ combination dipper.

Saturday, March 31, Ps. 41:1
Beautiful day.  I ran down to Horace’s house this morn, then Aunt Becca and Uncle H. went to Eddie’s and got the chair Mary H. said I could have.  Allie G. came up this pm.  I’ve had lots to do today.  Sold Allie the $1.00 shoes I got from Wilson Thursday.  Oh, I wish I could see Horace’s folks.

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