Thursday, January 6, 2011


Thursday, February 1, Matt. 5:16
Nice day, cold.  Noah paid his taxes.  I have been sorting pieces carpet rags etc.  Such a tedious job.

Friday, February 2, Ps. 17:8
Very beautiful day, quite cold.  Ground chuck day.  Still sorting and fixing things.

Saturday, February 3, Psalms 19:14
Very windy.  Quite cold this morn but got warmer.  I’ve been busy all day.  Oh I do want to be good.  The above text is the prayer of my heart.

Sunday, February 4, John 1:11, 12
Nice day but cold.  Lennie and I went to church and S.S.  Old Mr. Coleman, the Negro, preached.  Good.  I came over and had dinner at Horace’s and a good time.  Mary gave me Zella’s and Mamie’s photos.  Mary and I went to church this eve.

Monday, February 5, Ps. 86:11
Bright and cold.  I went to V. this pm and got a letter for Laura (McGaw).  Allie G. went with me.  Eddie helped Noah this pm.

Tuesday, February 6, Num. 6:25
Nice day, rather cold.  Eddie helped Noah.  I digged all day.  Wrote to Lestie this eve.

Wednesday, February 7, John 3:16
Nice day.  I went down to Horace’s in pm and to Valton then up to Frank Mortimers and stayed till 9:30.  Had a pleasant call.  Got a letter from Tillie.

Thursday, February 8, Ps. 51:10
Nice.  Snowed some towards eve.  I had an invitation to a party for Miss Inman but it was snowing when it came time to go, so I didn’t go.  Cleared off now.  9:30 pm.  We were going to watch the Eclipse of the moon.  I sent in a sub. to the Y.C. for Maude.

Friday, February 9, Eph. 4:29-32
Nice but rather cold.  Noah and I stayed up until the moon was eclipsed last night, or rather this morn.  I mopped and baked bread etc. today.

Saturday, February 10, Ps. 19:14
Clear and cold.  Maude and I went over to Jardot’s this pm and had a very pleasant visit.  I stopped at Horace’s and spent the eve.  Nice time.

Sunday, February 11,  Rev. 22:77
Cold and blustery.  Lennie and I went to S.S. and church then back and I stayed to dinner.  Maude and Frank came down and Nellie and Willis came up and Lennie and I went with them over to Mr. Hanzlik’s.  Had a fine time.  Mrs. H. is so nice and good.  May wasn’t at home.  Mrs. H. gave me a Christian Herald.

Monday, February 12, Ps. 35:3
Warm and fine till eve, it clouded up and began to rain a little after dark.  I went over to Henry’s and to Horace’s this eve.  Got the crepe paper samples I sent for sometime ago.  They are nice.

Tuesday, February 13, Ps. 37
Whew!  It is stormy!  Snowing and blowing to beat the band all day and still at it late this eve.  I wrote to Tillie and to the Dennison Crepe Paper Company today.

Wednesday, February 14, Ps. 57:10
Very bright beautiful day but rather cold.  I did the work and crocheted on my rug.  Sent to Sears, Roebuck and Co., for “The Minister’s Wooing” by H. B. Stowe and “A Book of Parodies” by Burdette.  Hope they will be satisfactory.  Later – couldn’t send books so I got 3 linen h’dk’fs instead and they are nice.

Thursday, February 15, Rom. 2:11
A most beautiful day, quite cold.  I got a lovely letter from Mrs. (Vina Peck) Graves in Minneapolis.  She is a Zion Woman.  Went to V. and got some circulars and Y.C.  Al Jackson came down last night and Horace took him over to see bout renting Hanzlik’s place but they wouldn’t rent.  Pshaw!

Friday, February 16, Ps. 19:14
Beautiful day.  I went down to Horace’s this eve intending to go to church if Lennie could go but she couldn’t so I stayed a while and enjoyed Zella’s pranks.  Bless her, she is so sweet.

Saturday, February 17, Ps. 103:2-5
Snowed a little this morn.  Grey and mild all day.  I got a letter from Lestie.  Worked hard all day.  Oh, for peace.

Sunday, February 18, Jer. 17:14
Very fine day.  Thawing a lot.  Lennie and I went to S.S. and to church to hear Mr. Coleman preach.  After church I came on home and read during pm.  Went to church in the eve.

Monday, February 19, John, 3:16
Beautiful in forenoon but clouded up in pm.  Thawing so fast.  I went to V. this morn with Frank and got a neck ribbon 50¢,.  Had a chat with Dell and borrowed “Ben Hur” to read.  Got stamps 26¢.  Sent a mite ($1.00) to the Japan Relief Fund in care of the Christian Herald. Went to Horace’s this eve.  Zella has a very bad cold and Mamie is coughing a lot.

Tuesday, February 20, Ps. 19:14
Cloudy and thawed very fast all day.  I washed.  Wrote to Mrs. Rachel Thomas and Mrs. Graves this eve.  Also to Mae Hanzlik.  Caley came home this pm.

Wednesday, February 21,  Deut. 27:33
Nice day.  Thawing.  I went down to Horace’s and with him to V.  Walked home.  Glad to see Caley.

Thursday, February 22,  Luke 11:9
Grey, windy and thawing.  Clear in pm.  Horace had Macy Hutchins come over and take a poicture of his stock and house.  I sewed some in pm.

Friday, February 23, I Chron. 29:12 
Cloudy in am and clear in pm.  Thawing hard.  I went to Allie’s and got some butter this morn and stopped a bit at Horace’s and this pm I rode down with Horace when he came from Wonewoc and went to Aunt Malinda’s and to Franks.  Frank gave me 6 apples.  I got Maude’s 3 table spoons from Y.C. and took them to her.
Saturday, February 24,  Ps. 23
Froze last night.  Grey clouds all day.  Thawed just enough to make it greasy.  I went to V. this pm.  Rode home with Horace and Lennie.  Lennie was down to Oaks writing on examination but she didn’t pass.

Sunday, February 25,   Deut. 33:27
Beautiful day.  I went to S.S. and Friend’s Church where Mr. Coleman preached.  Went home with Nellie Hanson.  So did Edith Hutchins.  Had a pleasant time and when Nellie went back to school we all rode up here and Edith stopped with me and we went to church at night.  Mr. Coleman preached and intends to go to Oaks a while now.

Monday, February 26,  Ps. 51:9
Beautiful day, cold wind.  I went to V. this pm.  Got to ride over and back from and to Horace’s.  Got a letter from Mary.  All well.  I’ve written to Nellie Hanson this eve according to promise.  Dear child was feeling blue because they had chided her for playing the organ and sitting with the family in the sitting room, etc.

Tuesday, February 27, Phil. 4:11
Beautiful day.  Mrs. Van Loon, Susie and the children came up this pm.  Pleasant call.

Wednesday, February 28,  Prov. 21:23
Nice but windy.  Didn’t thaw much.  No sleighing any more.  I went to V. this pm.  Got only my Y.C.  I expected a letter from Tillie.  Stopped at Horace’s a little while.  They are getting ready to go to Zion City.

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