Monday, January 1, 1906, Deut. 33:27, Ps. 119-133
Nice day. I did my usual work and in the eve I ran down and spent the eve at Horace’s. Had a very pleasant time. They said I could go to Wonewoc with them tomorrow when they take Caley to the train. Good.
Tuesday, January 2, Isa. 55:7
Grey and nice, good sleighing. We just had a picnic taking Caley to the train and coming. Nellie and Ed Hanson, Lennie, Horace and I went. The 4 kids had their pictures taken together. Horace and Lennie got a pretty sofa pillow cover and gave it to me when I got out of the sled here at home. Thank you kindly. I got some ribbon 30¢ and mittens 50¢ and 5 tablets 25¢. Got 3 granite kettle covers. Noah paid for them. Wrote to Mrs. Parish and Lestie tonight.
Wednesday, January 3, John 3:16
Very stormy day. Not cold, rain, snow, sleet and wind all day. Noah and I went to V. this morn to get some butter.
Thursday, January 4, Ps. 51:9, 10
Not cold but rather blowsy. I just did the cooking etc and cleaned up Noah’s room
Friday, January 5, Ps. 51:12
Rather windy all day but extra bad tonight. Cloudy in morn but mostly clear the rest of the day. Sent for some samples and catalogues to Sears and Roebuck. 1¢.
Saturday, January 6, Luke 2:11
Beautiful day. I have been busy all day at the housework.
Sunday, January 7, Deut. 33:27
Nice but cold wind and I take the train and drive to S.S. and church. When we came back I stayed at H’s till eve. Had a nice time. Roscoe said I might send in his name for the Y.C. Got a letter from Laura and a tiny calendar also the Y.C. Calendar. Wrote to Laura this eve.
Monday, January 8, Ps. 119:175, 176
Very fine day but cold. I sent for the Y.C. for Roscoe and took 3 vintage table spoons as a premium.
Tuesday, January 9, I Cor. 15:16-23 & 57
Nice but windy. I went to Valton this pm. Got a letter from Dear Tillie. Got ink 5¢, pens 5¢ tennis flannel 10¢. Had a ride with our rural carrier. This is Tillie’s birthday, 23 I guess.
Wednesday, January 10, Matt. 7:7-11
Lovely day, Maude came up this pm. Glad to see her. I ironed some and baked bread.
Thursday, January 11, Matt. 9:12,13
Bright and thawing. I went to Valton this pm. Got Y.C. and letter from Mary. A Mr. Russell was here trying to get us to take an orphan or give some money to the orphan’s home in Baraboo. We didn’t. He was an old (“stink pot”) for he smoked and had bad breath, too.
Friday, January 12, Ps. 119:133
Nice day, I rode down to Allie G’s with Frank Shore and got 3 eggs this morn. Asked Frank to take Y.C. and he talked as if he would. Went to V. this pm. No mail. Bad cold.
Saturday, January 13, Matt. 5:9
Nice grey day. I digged all day. Aunt Becca and Uncle Hiram came this eve.
Sunday, January 14, Ps. 51:9-12
Rather damp and kind of thawing. I went to S.S. and Friends Church. They had a Sanctification meeting. I wish I were as happy and free as some of them. Came back and got dinner and did the work and talked. Oh how I wish I were good. A number of the boys have formed a class and Winnie Mortimer is their teacher.
Monday, January 15, Ps. 46:1
Such a day! Rained till eve and then began to snow and blow. Aunt B. and Uncle H. here. Noah finished shelling seed corn. I got a letter from Lestie and my samples and catalogue from the National Cloak and Suit Co.
Tuesday, January 16, Rev. 22:17
Cold, windy, and cloudy, cleared up at eve. Aunt B. and Uncle H. went down to Eddie’s. Noah got an ox-yoke at Mr. Lyon’s and intends to break a pair of steers. ‘Spect he’ll have some fun.
Wednesday, January 17, John 3:16
Just more than snowed all day. Cleared up at dark. Very windy. Not warm. Effie Colvin and Ralph Mortimer were married today, I suppose. I started a crocheted rug this eve. NOTE: Finished that rug Friday June 22, 06. It is 1 ¾ yds long and 41 ½ inches wide. I think it is nice.
NOTE from Jeanne WALLENDAL JESSIE: This picture is of Ralph and Effie COLVIN Mortimer, taken in 1936.
Thursday, January 18, Ps. 103
Clear a while this morn but soon got cloudy. Lennie’s birthday 14. I’m done the housework and crocheted on my rug.
Friday, January 19, Ps. 51:9
Grey, snowed like 60 a good share of the day. Went to V. with Frank Mortimer. Got postals 2¢, envelopes 5¢. Crocheting on my rug. Got a letter from Mae Hanzlik and one from Y.C. saying they couldn’t sent me a premium for Roscoe’s name if he was in the same family Ethel is.
Saturday, January 20, Ps. 119:133
Just more than thawing all day. I never remember seeing the snow go so fast this time of year. Cloudy and foggy most of the day. Cleared up this eve.
Sunday, January 21, Eph. 4:29-332
Grey all day and got cold and colder and windy. Lennie and I went to S.S. and to Aunt Phebe’s then came over and went up to Canon’s. Had a pleasant visit with Nora and Hilda in the kitchen. Mr. Canon was sitting in his chair but is very bad. We stopped a little while at Maude’s.
Monday, January 22, I Sam. 7:3
Very cold and very windy. Snow a bit. I did my usual work and worked some on my rug. Finished reading “A Knight of the XIX Century” By E. P. Roe. Very good. Got a good letter from Mrs. Thomas in Zion City. Noah went to the show at Valton this eve.
Tuesday, January 23, Ps. 51:10
Quite a nice day. Jim Cannon is dead. Noah went to La Valle and had two teeth pulled. I wrote to Tillie this eve and am sending her Mrs. Thomas’ first letter to read.
Wednesday, January 24, Jas. 4:8
Cloudy and rather cold. I went to V. this pm. Got Y.C. and a little letter from Carrie Woolever. Read two nice stories in some old Y.C.’s this eve. “Larry” and “Armjo” – 6 chapters each.
Thursday, January 25, Ps. 51:10
Very fine day. Jim Canon was buried today. Warner preached the funeral. Big crowd. Emma was over from Wonewoc and she and Horace’s folks and I went to Aunt Phebe’s for dinner. Had a nice time. Eddie and Ira Canon came from Iowa to the funeral. Hattie wasn’t there. There were 17 Mrs. Mortimer’s at the funeral today.
Friday, January 26, Matt. 5:6
Very nice day. I washed and did other work.
Saturday, January 27, Matt. 7:7-11
Nice, bright, mild day. Noah and pa took a load of ties to Wonewoc. I digged hard all day.
Sunday, January 28, John 3:16
Nice fine day. Lennie and I went to S.S. and church. Mr. Carter, a very fine scholar and preacher, was there and preached. Also an old Mr. Tabor. Mr. Carter preached a good sermon in the eve. Ralph Monroe made a ridiculous fool of himself by saying ‘Amen” especially when it was very inappropriate. Mamie came up home with me after church and we went up to the barn.
Monday, January 29, Ps. 51:9
Another bright thawy day. I went to V. with Frank Mortimer this morn and got some grub as Ida and Millie promised to come tomorrow. Have digged all day.
Tuesday, January 30, John 3:16
Nice but windy. Got very cold at eve. Ida and Millie came and I tried to have them have a good time. I went to V. and got my mail. The 3 tablespoons from Y.C. for Roscoe’s sub. and a book from Mary.
Wednesday, January 31, Tim. 6:11
Cold and windy. Noah hauled sawdust for the creamery. I packed Net’s things – wish she had them. Got Y.C.
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