January 1 - What was your day and date of birth? March 19, 1918
1-1-95 Comments: Fair day; cool and drizzling. Day not too special but watched Nebraska win #1 in football. Bev had to work.
January 2 - Where were you born? Be specific.
On a 45-acre farm about 2 miles to the northeast of Waupun. Mid-wife was there. Dr. came later.
1-2-95 Comments: January 2nd was cool - about 30 degrees in the morning and reached 35 degrees at noon. Watched several football games and read a while.
January 3 - Do you know any other circumstances of your birth (who was present, who delivered, etc.)?
Mrs. Emma Hesslink was midwife and Dr. Smith came later.
1-3-95 Comments: January 3rd - Still very cool. Bev and I went to Wendy’s for lunch after purchases at Carousel Stained Glass.
January 4 - If you have a childhood picture for me, put it in this space.
No picture available.
1-4-95 Comments: Bev had off. She went out and bought new nursing jackets. I had blood tests at Dr. Helm’s office. Helped with stained glass and made chili.
January 5 - Name your brothers and sisters and their years of birth.
John Wallendal - 1911, August 15
Margaret Zimmerman - 1912, September 11
January 6 - What was your mother’s full name?
Hattie VandeStreek; "Hendrichia" (Holland)
January 7 - What was your father’s full name? Arthur Wallendal
January 8 - What was your mother’s date and place of birth? May 18, 1890, Gelderland, Holland
January 9 - What was your father’s date and place of birth?
October 31, 1880, Groningen (Friesland) Holland
January 10 - Tell a family nickname that you had. How did you get it?
Big Foot - because of my large (Holland) feet, size 14
Also known as clown feet in 1997, by a small child
January 11 - Tell of any other nicknames in your family.
Father - Art
January 12 - What did your father do for a living?
Farming in Wisconsin
January 13 - Did your mother work outside the home?
Only occasionally as helpmate to neighbors
January 14 - Name the towns you lived in before you were 20.
Born and raised on a farm near Waupun, Wis. 1st 12 years
Then 2 years on Maxson Street in Waupun
Then 4 years on a farm near Fox Lake, Wis.
Then 2 years in Wonewoc, Wis.
January 15 - Name the childhood addresses you remember.
Route 1, Waupun, Wis.
503 Maxson Street, Waupun, Wis.
Route 1, Fox Lake, Wis.
Gen. Del., Wonewoc, Wis.
January 16 - Tell a fond memory of your Grandpa.
Had a goatee
January 17 - Tell a fond memory of your Grandma.
Very kind and served cookies
January 18 - Tell about a favorite Aunt.
Aunt Rena - Lived on farm near town. Could ride my bike out to the farm when I did a little help with farm chores. Also, she had a stone quarry pond where I could fish and shoot my 22 cal. Rifle.
January 19 - Tell about a favorite Uncle.
Uncle Charlie Wallendal. Liked to play games like baseball and football.
January 20 - Did any relatives ever live with you?
Cousin Harold Schouten while his mother was in hospital.
January 21 - Relate an experience or memory of a cousin.
Cousin Charles Vellema and our target practice shooting 22 cal. Rifles.
January 22 - When you needed punishment as a child, which parent corrected you and how?
Mother - sit in corner
January 23 - Tell about the naughtiest thing you ever did. If you got caught, describe the consequences…
Went to a neighbors house after school without telling mother. Parents found me at the neighbors house. I was sent home and immediately to bed.
January 24 - Who was the President when you were born?
January 25 - At what age did you first vote and for whom did you cast your first President vote?
Age 21 - Franklin Delano Roosevelt
January 26 - Did you ever see a President or Vice-President in person?
No, but was "invited" to President Bush’s Inauguration.
January 27 - Did you ever have an imaginary friend?
Yes - when I was about 3 or 4 years old. Name - Pertcy
January 28 - What did you and your brothers or sisters fight about the most?
Day to day problems and "no" big issues
January 29 - What was the dumbest stunt ever pulled by you and a brother or sister?
January 30 - Tell about the worst winter storm that you can remember as a child.
The blizzards in Wisconsin during the winter of 1935-36. Drifts of snow were as high and higher than the telephone lines. I personally helped shovel snow down to levels that the Highway department snow handling equipment could then handle.
January 31 - What did you use to go sledding down a hill in the snow?
Used a regular steel runner sled that was steerable. Also occasionally a toboggan and on a few occasions - skis.
February 1 - What extras did you use for your snowman’s face, buttons, arms, hat, etc.?
Corn cobs, corn stalks and straw
February 2 - Do you have any ice skating memories to share?
I skated on original "old country" Holland ice skates. They were constructed of a steel runner blade set in a wooden platform and tied on over your regular winter and snow and ice footwear.
February 3 - Share a memory about a weather-related school cancellation.
School canceled during blizzard conditions for several days winter of 1934-35.
February 4 - Do you have any knowledge of the origins of your family name?
February 5 - What were you doing to first smash a finger?
Pounding nails with a hammer
February 6 - Who was the most famous person you ever met as a child? (No answer here)
February 7 - Tell about a big fib you told.
About how my feet got wet on my way home from school.
February 8 - Tell about someone who had a big influence over your life.
Band director during my high school years, very talented, Mr. O. J. Kraushauer. He had played a Bassoon in "Sousa’s Band". As musician, playing a Tenor Saxophone and being appointed the "stage Director" for both our High School Band and Orchestra, I learned being responsible for readiness of our band in its concerts and State and National Tournaments.
February 9 - Tell of a nickname given to you by friends or classmates. How did you get it?
Teacher’s Pet. Being good with case in Math Classes, I was asked to help explain Math Problems and Answers.
February 10 - What was your favorite meal as a child? Roast beef, potatoes and gravy.
February 11 - Who was your first girlfriend? A classmate in my sophomore year in High School.
February 12 - Tell about the Valentine Day festivities at your school.
In "grade school" we exchanged Valentines. Nothing in later years.
February 13 - Tell about a special valentine you once gave.
To my mother when I was 15 years old.
February 14 - Tell about a special valentine you once received.
Very good ones from my wife.
February 15 - Tell about your first date. While sophomore in school I took a girl to a movie.
February 16 - Tell about your first kiss. Answer: "Big exclamation point" !
February 17 - Tell about your first favorite TV shows - Lawrence Welk, Hee Haw
February 18 - Tell about family reunions in your childhood.
Every 4th of July the Wallendals got together at Ladoga, Wis.
February 19 - What do you remember as your favorite subject in school? Mathematics
February 20 - What do you remember as your least favorite school subject? English
February 21 - What is the biggest problem you remember having in Grade School? "?"
February 22 - What is the biggest problem you remember having in Jr. High School? None.
February 23 - What is the biggest problem you remember having in Sr. High School?
The other students calling me "Teachers Pet" in Math Classes.
February 24 - Describe a place you liked to go to be alone. Living room to read books.
February 25 - Tell of a place that you discovered or built as a "haven" for your gang.
A small stone quarry (water filled) with small hill beside it, about 1 block from our house on Maxson Street in Waupun, Wis.
February 26 - Tell about a favorite "hang out" place for you and your friends in Jr. or Sr. High.
Ulve’s Drug Store and Soda Fountain
February 27 - Tell about the best pet you ever had. A dog named "Mupsey" when I was little.
February 28 - Tell about other pets you had. Later before teenage was a dog named "Rover".
March 1 - Tell about being in a school play or program. I played a tenor saxophone in band and a viola in the school orchestra. During soph-jr-sr years I was also stage director for the band and orchestra and during local, state and national tournaments, I rode and stayed with band director a day or two before the event.
March 2 - Tell about a school principal you remember. "Papa" Grenzow in High School.
March 3 - Did you ever pretend to be sick as an excuse to stay home from school? No - I liked school.
March 4 - Do you have a good story about yourself cussing? I was brought up that cussing was a "Sin", so I never cussed.
March 5 - Tell about how you spent your Saturdays during the school year. Grade school years - help around farm and reading. High school - neighborhood sports and reading.
March 6 - Tell about how you spent your Sundays. Day of rest - Sunday school and lots of reading.
March 7 - What was the naughtiest or meanest thing you remember doing in school? Were there consequences? ? none outstanding.
March 8 - When on car trips, did you play car games? Some…
March 9 - What was your favorite radio program? Fibber McGee & Molly
March 10 - What was your favorite movie as a youth? Why? "Africa Speaks" - All about strange animals.
March 11 - Did kids ever tease you? About what? "Teachers Pet" in math class and nick-name of "Big Foot".
March 12 - Tell of a difficult school essay or term paper assignment. English final exam in Sr. year of High School.
March 13 - Tell about your first smoke. A homemade "corn-cob" pipe with a weed called "Indian Tobacco".
March 14 - Do you remember your first pizza? 1960s - didn’t like it and did not start again till about 1980 but like certain ones now.
March 15 - If you went to college, tell which college you chose and why. Mail Order - Coyne
Electrical - one year. International Correspondence course in electrical 2-1/2 years with degree. Night school classes in Electronics at LSU - a 3 month course. Night school classes with Louisiana Power & Light concerning Power Transmission lines.
March 16 - Tell your major and how you chose it. Electrical - As a boy I experimented with batteries and set up a reading lamp.
March 17 - Did people wear green on St. Patrick’s Day? Very little in Farm Country.
March 18 - Do you have any other memories of St. Patrick’s Day as a youth? 2 days before my birthday.
March 19 - If you ever hitch-hiked, explain. Several times when car was not available to go to school. A distance of 6 miles which I walked several times during the depression.
March 20 - What do you remember as your favorite time of year? Why? Early years - springtime when fishing seasons opened. Later - fall when hunting seasons opened.
March 21 - Describe some household chores you had as a child. On the farm (1) Feed calves from pail of milk, (2) Feed chickens and gather eggs.
March 22 - Describe some outside chores. Hay down from top of barn to feed cows.
March 23 - Which chore did you dislike the most? Gathering eggs.
March 24 - What bones have you broken and how? Arm - 2 years old - fell over fence. Heel - tree stand fell.
March 25 - Did you ever need stitches? Only my surgeries.
March 26 - Do you have any other good stories about being injured? Car wrecked (1-1/2 years old) Dad ran into ditch. All fell out of car. Baby Clarence was lost, found in ditch in the water.
March 27 - Tell of a childhood illness. Had measles and chicken pox. Nothing unusual happened.
March 28 - Tell about an experience at the doctor’s or dentist’s. Child had a real rough acting and looking dentist - "Dr. Knorr".
March 29 - Name your best school chums. Hugh Wright, Roy Witt
March 30 - What were some crazy names or nicknames in your school? Big foot
March 31 - Tell about a practical joke or prank you played on a person. John & I tied the neighbors milk cans up on the telephone pole - a Halloween prank - and locked his barn door from inside.
April 1 - Do you have a good April Fool’s Day story? Don’t remember
April 2 - Tell about a practical joke or prank someone played on you? Snipe hunt during Boy Scout Camp.
April 3 - As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Unknown. Race car driver.
April 4 - Did you ever make a kite? How? Tell about your kite-flying experiences. 2 slats of wood with string, made a cross with wood, tied string to all four ends then pasted paper to it. Dick’s kite - over the
gate of powder plant Gate 10, about ½ mile of string out.
April 5 - Did you ever feel a hatred for another person? Explain. I don’t think so.
April 6 - Have you ever hunted, or tried to capture a wild animal? All my life!!
April 7 - Did you ever try to adopt a wild animal? No.
April 8 - Make up a limerick about yourself. Can’t - not now!
April 9 - Make up a limerick about me. Unknown.
April 10 - Relate a favorite spring memory. Pick May flowers, carry to neighbors and yell "May Basket".
April 11 - Did your Mom or Dad ever find something you had hidden? Yes, did not like bread crust. Put on crossbar of table. Mom enlarged table for company and guess what!
April 12 - Share a memory of going to church as you were growing up. Saturday afternoon riding in 2 horse sleigh riding over snow banks and fences on the way to bible school.
April 13 - Share a memory about a church social activity. Church pot luck dinner in Mitchell, SD. EVERYONE brought salads - I do not like salads. Just don’t today, yet.
April 14 - If the following Easter topics do not apply, please share your special holiday memories and traditions. Tell about an Easter Egg hunt. Little basket with eggs - no hunting.
April 15 - Tell about any other Easter traditions. Nothing special.
April 16 - Did you ever have a recurring dream as a child? My friend "Pertcy" lived at back end of our farm field and I used to go visit him.
April 17 - When you played make-believe, what did you pretend? Unknown.
April 18 - Tell about the best birthday present you ever received. Unknown.
April 19 - Tell about any sports you played in junior or senior high. None.
April 20 - Did you ever write something that you were really proud of? No.
April 21 - What is the best book you ever read as a child? Series on frontiersmen - star was "Willet".
April 22 - What is the biggest physical problem you had to deal with? Torn muscle in arm 10 years old;
could not play baseball that year.
April 23 - Did you have any superstitions? Ghosts.
April 24 - Where were your best hide-and-seek places? Behind tree. Hid behind furniture.
April 25. Tell about the first time you were ever behind the wheel of a car. Model A Roadster 30’s - Brother John’s.
April 26 - Did you ever take anything that wasn’t yours? Candy in store.
April 27 - What did you do with it? Did you get caught? Mother made me return it.
April 28 - Do you have a story about a big surprise? No.
April 29 - What childhood fear do you remember? I don’t know - too many years.
April 30 - Tell about a May Day tradition. Hang May baskets, etc.
May 1 - What were May Baskets made of and what did they contain? Baskets whatever we could get. Candy, fruit, etc.
May 2 - How much do you remember paying for an ice cream cone? 5 cents
May 3 - Did you have a tree house? No tree house; only a special place in a tree between the house and barn.
May 4 - Were you ever bitten by a dog? Yes, 2-1/2 to 3 years. Mupsey did it - small rip only!!
May 5 - Did your mother ever make a special gift for you? Don’t remember. She made our clothes; that is special.
May 6 - Tell a favorite memory of your mother. Kind, nice, etc.
May 7 - Tell about some good advice your mother gave you. ??
May 8 - Relate your family Mother’s Day traditions. None as a child.
May 9 - Do you remember any childhood songs or rhymes? Church songs.
May 10 - Name some popular hit songs from your youth. ??
May 11 - What was your favorite singing group or band? ??
May 12 - Tell a favorite singer and a song that he/she sang. ??
May 13 - What kind of dances did you do as a youth? None.
May 14 - Tell about the first dance you ever went to. None in younger years. Went in high school.
May 15 - Tell about your high school prom or formal dance. No…
May 16 - Describe the military experience of someone in your family. John was a Sea Bee; stationed in
Mississippi. Went to training.
May 17 - Share a memory involving a war during your childhood or youth. Gas - 25 cents per gallon; ration stamps in W.W.II. Ice cream 10 cents during war.
May 18 - Share another memory involving a war during childhood or youth. Movies - peddles show bills and got in free. Bills showed about the 3 movies they had each week.
May 19 - If you have another photograph of your childhood to share, place it here. Don’t have one!
May 20 - Tell about your graduation exercises or traditions. Robe and exercises.
May 21 - What year did you graduate from high school? 1935
May 22 - How many students were in your high school? In your graduating class? 80 in my class, 400 in my school.
May 23 - Tell of someone you envied and why. ??
May 24 - Did you have homework? Very little; got my work done at school.
May 25 - Describe a very proud moment in your childhood. When we left the farm and moved to town
in 1930.
May 26 - Tell about Memorial Day traditions during your youth. Parades…
May 27 - Share a special memory of Memorial Day. Can’t recall too much.
May 28 - Did you play a musical instrument? Tenor sax
May 29 - Tell of the closest friend you had during your childhood. Not a close friend - just friends.
May 30 - Is there anything you have now that you have kept from your childhood? No.
May 31 - Do you have any good bath time stories? No.
June 1 - Tell about a strange person that lived in your town. Don’t remember.
June 2 - What was the funniest name or nickname in your town? ??
June 3 - Did you ever sleep under the stars? Yes; hunting years only.
June 4 - Tell about hot dog or marshmallow roastings. Picnics, etc.
June 5 - Did you ever go on a camp out? Tell about it. Hunting times…
June 6 - Did you ever go on a snipe hunt? Graduation night.
June 7 - What food did you learn to cook or prepare first as a youth? Outside over a fire - steak.
June 8 - Share a horse-riding story. Fox Lake farm - rode from field to house and back.
June 9 - What was your first job? 1935 - Libbey-McNeil & Libbey - bottling milk company. Picked out leaking milk cans.
June 10 - How much did you get paid? $.33 per hour.
June 11 - Tell about any other paying jobs you held as a youth. None.
June 12 - Were you ever chased by some animal? A little ways by a bull.
June 13 - If you were ever in a parade, tell about it. No.
June 14 - Tell another memory about a parade. Marched in the band.
June 15 - Share a childhood memory about a death that affected you. When my dad went to California to his brother’s funeral - Peter Wallendal. He was gone.
June 16 - Relate your happiest memory as a youth. 1937 Ford.
June 17 - How did you learn to swim? Learned by self.
June 18 - Where did you go swimming? Fox Lake.
June 19 - Tell a favorite memory of your father. I had to run the farm at 15 years.
June 20 - Tell about some good advice your father gave you. Don’t remember.
June 21 - Did your father ever make a special gift for you? No.
June 22 - Did you have a special nature place where you went to explore? In the field across the road.
June 23 - Did you ever go skinny dipping? No
June 24 - Did you ever make mud pies? Yes
June 25 - Did you go barefoot in the summer? If so, relate an experience about stepping on something.
Not very often. Farm, probably did step on something, but can’t remember.
June 26 - Describe a few of the favorite hair styles of your youth. (1) Parted on left side; (2) crew cut.
June 27 - Tell about a bike you had. (1) Used bike; (2) red & white.
June 28 - Tell about your first very own car. 1937 Ford - black. Regular gas. 60 horsepower, V8. Shift
on column and on the side.
June 29 - Did you ever have or make a swing? Redid some.
June 30 - Tell about seeing something you thought was very beautiful. Fox Lake; stayed at a cottage.
July 1. Describe an outside game you made up. ??
July 2 - Describe an inside game you made up. ??
July 3 - What kind of fireworks did people have when you were a youth? Firecrackers
July 4 - Tell about Independence Day traditions of your childhood. Friesland, Wisconsin - firework
July 5 - Do you have a special July 4th that you remember most? Ladoga, Wisconsin - ball diamond,
picnic; played ball.
July 6 - Did you ever go to carnivals or amusement parks? Where? 16-17 years, Fond du lac
July 7 - What kinds of rides and games were there? How much did they cost? Not much money at this
time; we had to learn to do things without money.
July 8 - Tell about any state fair or county fair experiences. Yes - 1937; Milwaukee State Fair.
July 9 - Tell about going to a circus or chautaugua. Yes, can describe about them.
July 10 - Tell any favorite summertime memory. Fishing on Fox Lake.
July 11 - Did you go fishing in your childhood? Fishing with Dad.
July 12 - Tell about your biggest or best catch. Nothing spectacular.
July 13 - Do you remember having a favorite candy? How much did it cost? Chocolate, 5 cents.
July 14 - Do you remember having a favorite snack that you made at home? Unknown. Popcorn at times.
July 15 - Share a memory about going on a picnic. ??
July 16 - What kinds of party games or party activities were popular? Tag, young folk games, hide &
July 17 - Share a memory involving a heatwave or drought. Just a few days.
July 18 - What did you do to stay cool? ??
July 19 - What was your favorite holiday of the year? Why? 4th of July
July 20 - Share a birthday party memory. Don’t remember.
July 21 - Tell about the neatest shoes you ever owned as a youth. Smaller - for separate Sunday or good
shoes. After teen years - then had a good pair of shoes.
July 22 - Share a memory about a power outage. No electricity in early years. 12 years old - moved to
town. Can’t remember any special places.
July 23 - Relate a memory involving a flood or cloudburst. ??
July 24 - Relate a memory of a tornado, hurricane, or destructive wind. ??
July 25 - What memories do you have of lightning or thunder during your childhood? ??
July 26 - Share a special memory about riding in a boat. Enjoyed fishing.
July 27 - Tell about a family vacation trip. St. Cloud, Minn.
July 28 - Share the best vacation experience you can recall. Dad, Mom, me…Uncle Bert & Wife - to
visit them.
July 29 - Share the most unpleasant vacation experience you can recall. ??
July 30 - Do you have any other memories about a river, lake or beach to share? ??
July 31 - Tell a memory about riding on a ferry, bus, train or plane. Car trips only.
August 1 - If you were to return to your youth, what would you do differently? No changes, because I
was satisfied.
August 2 - Describe your childhood home and neighborhood. (1) 45 acre farm. (2) 2 miles out of
Waupun. (3) Intersection of two roads. (4) Nearest neighbor 300 yards - three of them in this area.
August 3 - Tell about going to a summer camp. Boy Scout Camp. I do not remember much about it. They
did initiate us. Went on a snipe hunt. No snipe was found.
August 4 - Tell of an experience climbing a mountain or big hill. 3rd neighbor to north, had a big hill
and we skied down it in the winter.
August 5 - Tell a memory about having company at your house or of a family party. I don’t remember.
August 6 - Tell about board games and card games you played as a youth. Caroms - board game. Used
a stick to push a ring around the board to make it go into the pockets; like a pool game.
August 7 - Did your mom or dad have a favorite remedy for what ailed you? Mom made a cough syrup -
sweet but stuck and coated your throat to stop the tickle.
August 8 - Share an experience about poison ivy or poison weed. None.
August 9 - What was your best talent? Patience. You do not need to ask this question.
August 10 - Tell about a time when you got lost. Never got lost.
August 11 - Did you ever play in the sprinkler or hose? No, we didn’t have a hose as a child.
August 12 - Tell about being stung by a bee or wasp. Stung by honeybee that Dad raised.
August 13 - Did you have any favorite family songs that you sang together? Can’t remember any.
August 14 - Tell about your bedroom. (1) Under slanted roof. (2) Half way up to roof it became flat to
be the room. (3) One window on the end of the house. (4) Margaret had to walk through this room to get
to hers.
August 15 - Share a memory of staying overnight with a friend. Stayed with Cousin Charles - one year younger than we. Used a 20/20 shooting gophers.
August 16 - If you ever ran away from home, tell about it. Mom didn’t think I was staying. After supper,
John and Margaret came and got me.
August 17 - Do you remember being really curious about something? Can’t remember anything.
August 18 - Share your childhood experiences with roller skates. (1) Clamp on type with strap. (2)
Sidewalk from house to street, then on to railroad lot traveling on my skates.
August 19 - Did you ever experience home sickness? Seems like Mom told me I did, but I don’t
August 20 - Did you ever make a purchase that you later regretted? Don’t remember any.
August 21 - Share an early experience with shaving. Safety razor was used first. Did not like the idea of
August 22 - Tell about a favorite doll, teddy bear or other stuffed toy. Unknown.
August 23 - Tell about another favorite toy. Erector set.
August 24 - Did you have to abide by a curfew as a youth? When it the summertime, it became dark, I
had better be at home!
August 25 - If you ever had a hero, tell who. Tell why. Purtzy (man), imaginary and lived in back of the
August 26 - Describe how you used the phone to call a friend. Had to ring it up first…
August 27 - Did you ever have a fire in your home or accidentally catch something on fire? No.
August 28 - Tell about going to box socials or pot lucks. Box social - bid on the boxes. Had to sit with
the girl who brought the box and share it with her.
August 29 - Tell about an incident when you were very angry with your mom or dad. Do not remember,
but sure I did.
August 30 - Tell about an incident when your mom or dad was very angry with you. When I went to
neighbor’s and John & Margaret came to get me.
August 31 - Share a memory involving an outhouse. Locked the door from inside on Halloween so they
could not get in. Reached through half moon to do this with a stick, etc.
September 1 - Do you remember any Labor Day traditions of your youth? Went always to Labor Day
celebrations, carnival, etc.
September 2 - Do you have a memory involving V.J. Day? Working - making airplane rivets. Next day,
no job.
September 3 - What do you remember about your first day of school? I do not remember much. Country
school; played at recess.
September 4 - Tell about your school year calendar. Day or two after Labor Day we started. Finished
late in May. Shorter days from city kids, to work on farm.
September 5 - Tell about a school bully. If he didn’t like what we did, he would hit us, but really
wasn’t too bad.
September 6 - What do you remember doing at recess? Played tag. Fall, sometimes baseball.
September 7 - Tell about the playground equipment at your grade school. We had none; maybe a rope
swing. Merry-go-round arrived about the time I left.
September 8 - Did your parents ever make you wear something stupid to school? No.
September 9 - Tell about who you thought was the smartest kid in school and why. Smartest was a girl.
Why is unknown.
September 10 - Tell about who you thought was the dumbest kid in school and why. Do not remember.
September 11 - Tell about the naughtiest kid in school. Can’t remember.
September 12 - Tell about a teacher’s pet. Can’t remember.
September 13 - Name the schools that you went to. Cutaraugus Country School. Waupun Junior High,
Waupun High School.
September 14 - What was your most embarrassing school moment? Playing around at a class play. Got
my sleeve hooked on a girl’s dress. We needed to be on stage and we could not get it undone!
September 15 - What teacher did you dislike the most? Why? Unknown.
September 16 - Did you ever have a crush on a teacher? No.
September 17 - Who was the best teacher you ever had? Why? Mrs. Reimen Snyder, always did well
with her. In the country school.
September 18 - Describe your typical school day outfit. Overalls, shirt, galoshes in winter.
September 19 - If you were ever in a fight, tell about it. Once, big bully ruled the area. He won!!!
September 20 - Tell about your worst report card. C on it; got in trouble at home.
September 21 - What is the worst trick that you remember a student playing on a teacher? Can’t
remember to many; many years ago.
September 22 - What is the worst thing that you remember a teacher doing to a student? Teacher put
student out of class to maintain control. Remember 1934 - 64 years ago, the rules were different.
September 23 - How did you get to and from school? Town - I walked. Farm - drove or rode the 7
miles to school.
September 24 - Do you remember a special school custodian? Mr. Owens - janitor and inventor; made
things to sell on the market.
September 25 - What were your school colors? Blue; don’t remember, think it was gold.
September 26 - What was your school mascot? ??
September 27 - Tell about a memorable birthday cake. Chocolate, of course!
September 28 - Did you ever have a "good friend" who did something mean to you? No!
September 29 - How did your school observe homecoming? I never went.
September 30 - Do you have any special Homecoming experiences to relate? None.
October 1 - Did your high school have cheerleaders? What did they wear? Had cheerleaders. Gold
skirts; can’t remember what kind of top.
October 2 - Can you recite any of your school cheers? Song to the tune of "On Wisconsin" with different
October 3 - Tell about any other extra-curricular activities. 4-H club in the country (13-17 years old)
October 4 - Do you have a good piece of advice for me? Keep up the good work; enjoy your music.
October 5 - Do you have any special memories about raking and burning leaves, or mowing the lawn?
Big lawn on farm with lots of trees.
October 6 - If you ever played in the leaves, tell about it. No.
October 7 - What allowance did you get? 11 years old, crash came. 5 cents to spend uptown as a child.
In high school no money; only could get what we needed.
October 8? Did you have to earn it? Yes, if there was any.
October 9 - What was your most prized possession as a child? Dog - Mupsy was it’s name.
October 10 - What is the strangest thing you ever saw in the sky? Don’t know.
October 11 - Relate a story about a mouse in the house. Mice in house in Mitchell, S.D. from basement
and up - many of them.
October 12 - Share a memory about a bat in the house. None.
October 13 - Did you ever have any other strange animal in the house? We have a mouse in our attic
now (12-15-98).
October 14 - Do you remember the first movie you ever saw? Who starred in it? Saw many westerns.
Delivered show bills every Friday afternoon, so got free passes, so always saw most of the movies at
the little theater.
October 15 - Do you have a good school pants-wetting story? I do not remember!
October 16 - Tell about pulling or losing a baby tooth. Can’t remember; was 75 years ago.
October 17 - Did you ever lose something really important to you? Can’t remember.
October 18 - Did you ever lose or break something that belonged to someone else? Probably happened,
but do not remember anything.
October 19 - Was an injustice ever done to you? Unknown.
October 20 - Share a favorite fall memory - deer hunting that I started. I was 25 years old.
October 21 - Do you have a story about standing up against odds for something you really believed
in? ??
October 22 - What is the farthest you ever ran or walked? From ledge near Fond du Lac to home - 12
miles, about.
October 23 - Did you ever pick apples? Yes, on the farm called "Wolfrivers". Earlier apple; made
good pies.
October 24 - If you had a watch, tell about it. Got 1st watch when 15 years. 12 years, 1-year guaranteed
pocket watch.
October 25 - What hobbies or collections did you have as a youth? ??
October 26 - Share a memory about being very scared. Scared of boogieman. Coming from neighbors,
getting very dark. Hid in the ditch till he walked by; only a neighbor. We never saw many men walk like
that at night.
October 27 - Tell a story about a time when you dressed up in a costume. Christmas party at school
(night performance). Acted as a man with a wife.
October 28 - Did you ever tell ghost stories? Yes; don’t remember them.
October 29 - Do you have a good ghost or haunted house story to relate? No.
October 30 - What did people do at Halloween? Played tricks on neighbors. Hung "milk can" on
telephone pole; he needed it by morning.
October 31 - Do you have a special Halloween memory? Milk can episode.
November questions will deal with your courtship, marriage and my arrival in the world.
November 1 - Tell about how you first knew my mother. Met at a dance.
November 2 - Tell about your first date with her. Club - a whole car full of people.
November 3 - What qualities first attracted you to her? Graduated from high school. Farm girl.
November 4 - Tell about how you proposed marriage to my mom. Can’t remember. Too far back for
November 5 - If you have a picture taken during your courtship to share, place it here. Possibly have
one in the house. Remind us some day to look. She - 17 years. I was 20 years.
November 6 - When and where were you married? Valton, Wisconsin; 1938.
November 7 - What did you wear? Only suit I had - gray.
November 8 - Who performed the ceremony? Who stood up with you? Minister. John & Norma
November 9 - Tell about any other circumstances of your wedding day. None.
November 10 - Did you go on a honeymoon? Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Stayed with her relatives.
November 11 - Do you have an Armistice Day memory? Lost my job when the war was over; military
November 12 - Tell about where you lived when first married. Apartment in Cameron, Wisconsin.
November 13 - What was your job at the time? Selling light generators, wind driven.
November 14 - What qualities in my mom did you try unsuccessfully to change? Don’t know.
November 15 - Tell about the most serious problem or challenge you faced during your early years of
marriage. Spent Christmas without money a few years after we married.
November 16 - Tell the full names, birthdays and birthplaces of all of your children. Norma - you know
November 17 - Tell about the day I was born. Dad was in Sioux City, Iowa. You were born at your
grandparents house; doctor came.
November 18 - How did you choose my name? Don’t remember.
November 19 - What other names did you consider for me? ??
November 20 - Who was the President when I was born? Roosevelt.
November 21 - If you have a baby picture of me to share, place it here. You have one.
November 22 - What were you doing when John F. Kennedy was assassinated? Living in Louisiana.
Can’t remember what I was doing.
November 23 - What was the address of my first childhood home? Sioux City, Iowa.
November 24 - What do you remember most about my first month of life? Saw you during your first
week for the first time.
November 25 - What were my other childhood addresses? Waupun, Wisconsin, Mitchell, S.D., Sioux
City, Iowa.
November 26 - Share your favorite funny story of me as a child. ??
November 27 - Share a favorite Thanksgiving memory. Having enough to eat.
November 28 - Tell about the Thanksgiving traditions of your youth. What foods were on your
Thanksgiving table? Chicken, gravy, etc. Apple pie.
November 29 - Tell your all-time favorites. Food - roast beef, chocolate. Book - ? Movie - ?
November 30 - More favorites: TV show - Lawrence Welk. Song - ?? Color - Red
December 1 - More favorites: Bible verse - many. Pastime - ??
December 2 - As a youth, who was your favorite movie star? Why? Hoot Gibson, western cowboy;
liked westerns.
December 3 - Do you have another good piece of advice for me? Stay happy!
December 4 - Were you ever in a life-threatening situation? Heart attack at work…
December 5 - Did you ever have a bad experience with a haircut or a permanent? No.
December 6 - Do you have any knowledge of how your first name was chosen? Don’t’ know.
December 7 - Do you have a Pearl Harbor Day memory? Rivet factory
December 8 - Tell about your favorite store to browse in as a child. Ice Cream stand at Main/Madison.
December 9 - What did you like to look at there? I got to eat - who looked at it?
December 10 - Tell about something you built, designed or made as a youth. Miniature golf course -
empty lot across the street from our house. City dumped dirt on it and just left it.
December 11 - Were you ever in a church or school Christmas or holiday pageant? Yes.
December 12 - When did you put up your Christmas tree? Where did you get them? No tree til 1930.
Don’t remember, they didn’t sell trees as they do now.
December 13 - How did you decorate your trees? Candles, etc. Did not light them; too much fire
December 14 - Did you hang a Christmas stocking? Yes.
December 15 - Did your Grandpa or Grandma ever make gifts for you? What? Don’t think so.
December 16 - Tell about the neatest present you remember giving to your Mom. Made something in my
manual arts class; end table; inlaid work on the top (Dick & Jeanne - I have this table now - managed to
rescue it from Dad & Nina’s yard sale/nl).
December 17 - Tell about the neatest present you remember giving to your Dad. Cigars - a box full.
December 18 - Tell about the best Christmas present you ever received as a child. New sled, 5-6 years
December 19 - Tell about the worst Christmas present you ever received as a child. Unknown.
December 20 -Tell about your experiences with Santa Claus.
December 21 - Do you remember a "best" Christmas of childhood? New saxophone; played it in band
at school.
December 22 - Tell about holiday celebrations at a relative’s house during your childhood. Ladoga on
July 4. 5 miles out of Waupun. Park across the street from the only store; always had a celebration.
December 23 - Did your family go to a special church service at Christmas? No.
December 24 - Tell about the most memorable gifts you have given me. You tell me!
December 25 - Tell about the most memorable gifts I have given you. ??
December 26 - Share any other Christmas memory. ??
December 27 - Do you remember celebrating any special wedding anniversaries of your parents or
grandparents? No. Can’t remember.
December 28 - Is there anything else you would like me to know about your childhood? I was a little
December 29 - Is there anything else that you would like me to know about my childhood? No
December 30 - Did you ever make New Year’s resolutions? Sometimes.
December 31 - What special memories do you have of New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day? Spent
many holidays with friends of my father; their name (sp) Chipcama?
It’s been a slow time with this book, but it is finished!
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