Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Sunday, October 1, II Cor. 13:2
Big rain in night.  Very beautiful day.  Dan 31 today.  I went to S.S. and was elected Secretary.  Wrote to Mary, Dan, and Rob.

Monday, October 2, Matt. 7:7
Lovely day.  R. F. D. past here for the first.  I went to V. this pm and got stamps 29¢, buttons 12¢, pens 5¢.  Sent May and Smith some S.S. papers.  Mamie came home with me.  I visited the Valton school this pm.

Tuesday, October 3, Ps. 23
Nice day.  Took Mamie home this morn and stayed quite a while.  Canned some apples.  Ran down again this eve.  No Mail.  Wrote to Cuz Jennie.  They got a nice letter from Calie.  He is doing fine.

Wednesday, October 4, Ps. 31:24
Lovely day.  I read all pm.  Ran down in eve and got Y.C.  Beautiful moonlight.

Thursday, October 5, Rev. 21:6
Lovely day.  Busy canning.  Ran down this eve but got no mail.

Friday, October 6, Ps. 46:1
Beautiful day.  Jennie Good brought the book I ordered but I couldn’t pay for it today so she left it and I’m to pay for it when I can.  Ran down this eve but got no mail.

Saturday, October 7, Ps. 41:1-3
Another lovely day.  I went to Valton this pm.  Mr. Steele died this morn.

Sunday, October 8, Ps. 34:7
Beautiful day – quite warm and somewhat windy.  I went to S.S. and Friends Church.  Wrote to Lestie, Cassie, etc. this pm.

Monday, October 9, Prov. 3:6
Nice, warm and windy.  Cloudy and cool this eve.  I sent for samples of the New Method Church money raising goods.  Got the Y.C. announcement.

Tuesday, October 10, Matt. 7:7
Rain in the night and turned colder.  Nice in forenoon and cloudy and cold in pm.  Maude came up and we had a nice time.  I went down to the corner with her and stopped at Horace’s.  No mail.

Wednesday, October 11, Ps. 19:14
Little snow in the night.  Cold and cloudy all day.  I went to V. this pm.  Got Y.C.  Calie sent a band picture home and he was in it.  Ran down to Susie’s this eve.

JEANNE'S NOTE: This is downtown Valton, Wisconsin, circa 1908.  My father, Clarence Wallendal, owned the store at the far end in the 1950s.  He tore it down, and built a garage which we going to live in until a house was built.  But... he then went to work at the Badger Ordinance Works, near Baraboo, and we moved from Valton to Gate 10, near Badger Village.

Thursday, October 12, John 3:16
Cool or rather cold.  Noah went to Hillsboro for lumber for Eddie.  I ran down to Horace’s this eve.  Got a letter from Net.

Friday, October 13, James 5:16
Clear and warm.  Clouded up at eve.  Noah went to La Valle to mill and I went to Ironton and got 2 prs. Shoes.  Had a pleasant time at Mr. Van Loon’s.  Sarah Ballentine was away so I didn’t see her.

Saturday, October 14, Ps. 40:17 and Ps. 41:1-3
Grey and a little dribble of rain all day.  I ran down to Horace’s this eve and got a letter from Mary.

Sunday, October 15, Jer. 17:14
Great big hard thunder and lightening storm with torrents of rain occurred during last night.  Cold and cloudy today.  I went not to S.S. but remained at house and read.

Monday, October 16, Matt. 7:7
Beautiful morn but soon clouded up and stayed so all day.  I sent a letter to the Y.C. asking if they could send some back numbers of the Companion that I want.  No mail.

Tuesday, October 17, Micah 7:19
Gray and somewhat damp all day and this eve it is raining.  I made me a little underwaist out of tennis flannel today.  No mail.  Not cold.

JEANNE'S NOTE: TENNIS FLANNEL is a bleached or cream-coloured fabric made of cotton, sometiems with wool filling, in a two up, two down twill or other simple weaves, and often decorated with stripes of mercerized cotton or spun silk.  Popular for shirting, sportswear, and dresses.

Wednesday, October 18, Ps. 19:14
Cloudy at first but soon cleared up and was lovely in pm.  I churned.  Ran over to V. in pm.  Got Y.C. Premium list and 4 Birds by Earnest Seton Thompson.  Had a pleasant chat with Hattie Canon.  She has such a pleasant wholesome looking little girl.

Thursday, October 19, Matt. 7:7
Cloudy and very rainy all day except a while in am.

Friday, October 20, Isa. 60:20
A lot of slushy snow fell during the night.  Cloudy in forenoon and cleared up in pm.  I did a big days work.  Ran down this eve and got a letter from Lestie.  Noah gave me $5.00 to day.  Owes me 3 till next Mon 23.

Saturday, October 21, Luke 6:27
Somewhat cloudy but quite nice.  I whisked my work out of the way as soon as I could and slapped to V.  Got “Ladies Home Journal, samples from the New Method Company and a favorable letter from Y.C. in regard to back numbers.  I bought 2 prs. hose and 9 ½ yds. dress goods with L. T. money for poor Mary.

Sunday, October 22, Isa. 55:7
Rather nice day.  Quite cool and some cloudy.  I went to S.S. and Friends church.  Had dinner at Horace’s.  Ran up to Aunt Malinda’s a few minutes.

Monday, October 23, John 3:16
Beautiful day.  I sent for some back numbers, 30¢ of the Y.C. and 8 birds 20¢ by Ernest Seton Thompson.  Went to V. this pm.  Got stamps 20¢ also got 7 ½ yds. tennis flannel to send to Mary.  Went up to Maude’s this eve and she said she’d take the book I got of Jennie Good so I’m glad of that.  This has been the most pleasant day I’ve had in a long time for which I thank God.

Tuesday, October 24, Isa. 60:20
Nice day.  I swept my room.  Ran down to Bill Shore’s this pm and got them to subscribe for the Y.C.  Hope I can get 5 or more.  Ran down to Horace’s this eve.  No mail.

Wednesday, October 25, Prov. 19:17
Nice day.   I washed.  Sent for the Y.C. for Glen Shore and took a silver cup as a prem.  Got Y.C. this eve.  Noah went to Hillsboro for cement for his barn floor.  This is Mary’s 33rd birthday.

Thursday, October 26, Matt. 5:5
Very windy all night.  I had to get up at 1:00 am and take in my clothes.  Somewhat windy and cloudy and rained a little at eve.  I went down and got Lennie and we went to the Entertainment given by the Meneley Quartette.  Lots of fun and they are to be here again tomorrow night.  They are in the Temperance work.  Aunt Becca and Uncle Hiram came down today.

Friday, October 27, Heb. 2:18
Nice but rather cold.  I cleaned pa’s room.  Abe came down today.  I went to hear the Meneley Quartette again tonight.  Lots of fun.  Saw Aunt Becca and Uncle Hiram and Abe.

Saturday, October 28, Ps. 27:14
Beautiful but very cool.  Froze in the pantry last night.  Window was up.  I ran over to V. this pm.  Got a letter from cousin Ethel Waterson Turner.

Sunday, October 29, I Peter 4:8
Nice day, real cool or cold.  I went to S.S. and home with Ida Murdock.  Nate had his tonsils cut out yesterday and nearly bled to death.  Hope he will recover O.K.  Saw Abe at Horace’s.

Monday, October 30, Ps. 86:2
Nice grey day, cleared up at eve. Eddie raised his barn today.  Everything went up fine and slick.  Uncle Hiram and aunt Becca have been here all day and are here for the night.  I got my bird pictures from the Y.C. when I ran down to Horace’s this eve.

Tuesday, October 31, John 3:16  Halloween
Cold, grey and windy.  Cleared up at eve.  I went to Valton this pm.  Got a letter from Mattie Waterson for Mary so I ans. it and wrote to Mary.  Sent an ans. to Ethel’s letter today.

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