Friday, August 20, 2010


Friday, September 1, Ps. 119:133
Cloudy in am and rained quite a lot in pm. I went to V. got to ride from Horace’s with them. Pail Wilson all I owed him ($7.50).

Saturday, September 2, Rev. 21:6
Clouds and sunshine in forenoon. Cloudy and rain in pm. Clear at night. Worked all day but was put back so didn’t get all done. Noah has lost 7 sheep and thinks Frank Canon took them. He found one tied in an old tree top in Frank’s clearing and afterwards a buggy had been out there and turned around. S’pose they came to get it. Hope he will find the culprit and get him properly punished. Caley went to Zion City this morn to attend school a year. Hope he will be a fine good man.

Sunday, September 3, Matt. 10:29-31
Cool, cloudy and somewhat drizzly. I went to S.S. and church. Mary Lyon Hawks was there. She has such a sweet little boy – Loren – 2 years old today. Her little girl is nice too. Came back and had a nice dinner at Horace’s. (I) Miss Caley.

Monday, September 4, Matt. 9:21,22
Cool and cloudy. Allie Gibbons came up this pm. She is making a lovely white waist for Mary Thompson.

Tuesday, September 5, Ps. 27:9-14
Nice day. I washed and did other work. Noah missed another sheep today so he and Horace went down to watch tonight. Wish they’d catch the culprit. Got my Y.C. Calie wrote home and they let me read his letter – real good. Hope he will prosper.

Wednesday, September 6, Ps. 23
Nice day. I mopped. Noah got Horace, Henry, and Eddie and was gone all day after his sheep. Got 5. They went for Frank Canon for having them over on his father’s place and he and all the rest declared they knew nothing about them. Didn’t know they were there. Quite likely!

Thursday, September 7, Ps. 119:36
Nice cloudy day. Busy canning corn and other things. Ran over to Allie’s this eve. We were talking about Calie. Are so glad he went to Zion instead of anywhere else to school.

Friday, September 8, John 3:16
Nice day. Riley the peddler came just at supper time so he ate. The old blarney. I ran over to V. after the mail. Got a letter from Net and she talks strongly of getting married. Bah! The idea! Got my book “The Teacher’s Problem” from the Y.C.

Saturday, September 9, Eph. 4:29/32
Rained a bit this morn. Nice afterwards. Noah went up to Mulhollands and got his 5 sheep that were stolen. Now there are 2 missing but don’t suppose he will ever get those. Ran down and milked 3 cows and helped separate and feed the calves so Horace went for the mail. Got a letter from Laura.

Sunday, September 10, Ps. 34:18
Nice day, warm. Lennie and I went to Sun. S. and Friend’s Church, then stopped and visited Allie G. a spell. Then she and Bernice Smith, Lennie and Mamie came up with me and then I went back to Horace’s with them. Mabel and Fred invited me home with them, but I tho’t I’d better not go.

Monday, September 11, Prov. 10:16
Nice day. Mrs. Griffin’s birthday. Wish I could see her. Jennie Good came canvassing for a nice book and I ordered one to help her. “Twill be $2.00. Went to V. and got soap 2¢, toothbrush 15¢, and tablets 15¢. Wrote to Net in eve.

Tuesday, September 12, Deut. 33:27
Nice, cooler. I ironed. Noah took hogs to La Valle. I ran down and got a letter from Tillie. They got one from Calie and he is doing fine. Bless him. I hope he always may.

Wednesday, September 13, Eph. 2:8
Beautiful day. I didgged all day. Ran down in eve and got Y.C. Mamie and Bernice came up a while in pm.

Thursday, September 14, Matt. 7:7
Cloudy. Rainy in pm. I made 7 qts. of Green tomato sweet pickles. Year ago I went to Wonewoc with Horace and we sent Mary and the boys some apples.

Friday, September 15, John 3:16
Cleared up nice this morn and was warm all day. Ran down and got a sample copy paper that was sent to me.

Saturday, September 16, Eph. 4:29-32
Rained this am so the picnic was a fizzle. In pm it cleared up and they had a lecture by Mr. Fehlaudt. I went to V. with Horace’s and saw Ina Tabor and her husband. Didn’t go to the lecture.

Sunday, September 17, Prov. 21:3
Warm and clear. Lennie and I went to S.S. and then to Friends Church to hear Mr. Fehlaudt. House full. Mary Albert came home with me and I went as far as Aunt Malinda’s lane with her. Ans. Tillie’s letter this eve.

Monday, September 18, Prov. 16:3
Very wet and rainy. John Good came and got Noah’s sheep. Henry Thoenes came and Noah paid him $300.00 of the $500.00 he owes him and has the other 200.00 as soon as Henry brings the other note. Noah got $400.00 for 102 sheep. I got the washing partly done. Got a fine boil on my left cheek.

Tuesday, September 19, Ps. 37:3
Big wind last night and quite stormy. Rained a mist this morn then clear up and got cooler. I finished washing. Ran down this eve and got to read Calie’s letter. My! He is having a fine time. So many studies.

Wednesday, September 20, John 3:16
Very nice day. I canned some tomatoes and did other work. Ran down this eve and got Y.C.

Thursday, September 21, Ps. 55:22
Beautiful day. I digged all day. Ran down in the eve. and got “The Ladies Home Journal.”

Friday, September 22, Ps. 46:1
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Beautiful day. Mary Jont and Bernice and Allie G. came up and stayed to dinner and till middle of pm. I went back with them and stopped a while at Horace’s. I went to V. this eve and got pencil 3¢, starch 10¢. No mail.

Saturday, September 23, Deut. 33:27
Beautiful day. Very busy. Ran down in eve but got no mail.

Sunday, September 24, Ps. 121:5
Very beautiful day. Such lovely weather makes one wish it would last. I went to S.S. and Friends church. They have a new preacher, a lady and she preached today for the first here. I wrote to Laura this pm.

Monday, September 25, Ps. 41:1
Another fine day. Noah got his mail box today and Rural Free Delivery will commence next Mon.

Noah also got a letter from Dan saying he can’t come to build Ed’s barn. Mr. Horton and his sister called here a few minutes this morn on their way to see the saw mill site, etc. down in our woods.

Tuesday, September 26, Lord save or I perish.
Windy, nearly clear in am. Cloudy and a bit of rain in pm. I helped Mary Harvey get ready for threshers this pm. Nellie Hanson brought her friend Elinor Patten up so I met her. Nellie has the Hanzlik school. I’m glad she can teach. Horace’s got a nice from Calie.
JEANNE'S NOTE: Nellie C. HANSON married Simeon Zimri MORTIMER, Jeanne's
great uncle. He was a brother to Jeanne's Grandfather, Ralph Evan MORTIMER.  Their common ancestors are John E. MORTIMER and Rhoda Thelma SMALL.

Wednesday, September 27, Eph. 4:29-32
Nice day. Warm. I went down and helped Mary cook for threshers. Came up and washed the cans and got supper then went down and spent the eve. They were writing to Caley so I wrote some.

Thursday, September 28, Heb. 2:18
Nice day, warm. I did a lot of work. Ran down to Horace’s and got a letter from Mary, also Y.C. and a catalogue of stoves. Poor Mary is having a sad time with her baby Reuben sick. Oh, I wish they were down here where on could help them.

Friday, September 29, Ps. 147:1-11
Nice day. I just digged all day.

Saturday, September 30, John 3:16
Windy, clouded up at eve and began to rain. I digged all day. Got the Hyslop apples in this pm. Ran down this eve, no mail.

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