Thursday, July 26, 2012


Mon. Jan. 1, 1900      6 below in morn.
A happy New Year to everyone this bright beautiful morning.  My text for the year is Matt. 5:16.  Let your light so shine etc.  God grant me the true light and grace to let it shine brightly for Him.  I went out to May's for dinner with Mrs. Parish and had a nice time.  Helped in the kitchen.  Miss Oglesby came and then came back with us and intendeds to stay all week so that means extra work.  Had our work out of the way in good season this morn.  Got a good letter from dear Noah.  Went over to Mrs. Peebles in the eve and had a pleasant time with the children, Roy and Flora.  May invited me to come out to her house when I could.  She has a nice home.  This is my first New Year in Mich.  I should like to see my home folks.  My Christmas presents were 1st a nice silver spoon from Mrs. Parish, 2nd a pretty h'dk'f & her card from Mrs. Crittenden and 3rd a little book from Nat.

Tues. Jan. 2, 1900
Did my ironing and other work.  Nice day.  Text Matthew 5:6.  This is my first real diary so I'll jot down a few explanations.  I came to Mich. (Nunica) Wed. Mar. 1st 1899 and worked at Dr. Karsabious till Thur. June 29- '99 then stayed till Sat. July 8 when I came up here to 37 Coit Ave., Grand Rapids to work for Mrs. Parish where I have been ever since and think it the best place I ever have had.  In Nunica I got acquainted with a number of good people, my families being Mrs. Olive Parkhurst & her three charming daughters - Grace, Florence, and Ola and her daughter-in-law Hattie.  Mrs. Parkhurst was very kind to me when I needed a friend and I'm always very glad when she or the girls come here for a visit.  I call her my good mamma of Nunica and Mrs. Parish my good mamma of Grand Rapids.  I have several friends in G.R., Mr. & Mrs. Crittenden, Mrs. Peebles, Mrs. Edison, Mrs. Tanner.  Mary R., Lizzie B., and Ada Stewart and dear Mrs. Griffin.

Wed. Jan. 3, 1900
Got a letter from Laura.  How I wish I could see her.  It has been over ten months since I've seen a relative.  A year ago today Abe and I went to Reedsburg.  Had a funny breakdown before we had gone 1/2 mile so went back and secured a more substantial turnout after which we rumbled along in great style.  I was there purchasing with a view of coming to Michigan but little dreamed of living in Grand Rapids today.  I went over and spent the eve with my friend Ada Stewart, Mrs. Weston's girl next door, last night.  Lizzie came up to tea and to stay all night.  She is so much nicer than Miss Oglesby.  Miss O. is so English.  Spent 3 cts. for postage today.
Text: Matthew 7:7
When Mrs. Parish gave me my spoon for Christmas she said she gave it to me for being a good girl.  Parishes went out to Mr. Gill's for dinner Christmas so Mrs. Weston kindly invited me to come over and eat with Ada.

Thur. Jan. 4, 1900
Lovely mild day.  Got my work done in time to go down town and get the buttons fastened on my new shoes and run around a little.  I like to visit the Book store.  Text John 20:29

Mrs. Parish gave me calico for a new wrapper last week.  She was so cute about it too. She went over to the corner to get some groceries and when she came back handed me a bundle & said she met a lady who told her to give that to me and when I asked who it was she smiled and said she didn't ask her name.  In the afternoon as we were talking she asked me if I wouldn't like to go back to Valton and be able to teach & not let anyone know anything about it till I got there.  Of course I said I should.  I've been wondering since why she asked me that.

 Fri. Jan 5, 1900
Sick all day.  Finished reading "Looking Backward" by Edward Bellamy (see Jeanne's notes at end).  It is grand.  The most ingeniously gotten up of anything I ever read.  So different from anything else.  I only hope the blessed state of affairs he describes may begin very soon.  How much sin & sorrow would be done away with.  My & Ms. Reynolds were up to supper.  A nice mild day. Text today 1st John 4:15.

Sat. Jan. 6, 1900         Text Eph. 2:8
Nice day.  Mrs. Parish is sick and I'm lots better.  Miss Oglesby took her departure and I'm glad of it.  Ran over to see Ada a minute.  She is 18 and real pretty and goes to dances and such things.  Wish she wouldn't.

Sun. Jan. 7, 1900
Rained in the night and all the snow is gone.  Windy and cloudy today.  We had good sleighing the first half of the week.  Wish it had stayed on.  Text today Matt. 4:27.  Saw such a pretty little white dog out on the street just now.  I dreamed last night of such a beautiful Palace covered with snow & frost in the most bewitching forms.  It was in the field just below Aunt Becca's line fence south of her house.  Then I thought I went from there up to Aunt Phebe's and kissed her before she knew I was in the country.  How such dreams make me long to see all my dear ones.

 Mon. Jan. 8, 1900      Text 1st John 1:9 
This has been such a beautiful bright day.  I did a big wash and this eve I ironed quite a few things.  Just 6 months this morn since I landed in Grand Rapids & so far I find no fault with the Furniture City.  Am anxious for a letter from dear May.

Tues. Jan. 9, 1900      Text Ps. 9:10 
Grey and rather cold til noon then rained the rest of the day.  Had my ironing done before noon.  I went & helped Mrs. Crittenden dress to go to a reception. She has a pretty pink silk waist & black silk skirt.  Her mother was there. She is a pleasant old lady.  Mrs. C. has a cozy home with lots of nice pictures & I like to go there.  At noon Mrs. Parish and May were talking about short skirts and Watson had to make one of his funny puns.  He said 'short skirts made women look shorter and men look longer."  (at the women.)  I went over to see
Ada awhile.  She is so pretty but thinks only of fellows & frivolity.  I wish she was a Christian.  Mrs. C's mother said to wring clothes out of Salt-Peter water and apply them for Rheumatism.

Wed. Jan. 10, 1900    Text - For even Christ pleased not himself.  Rom. 15:3. 
Beautiful day.  I've been sick - just able to the common work.  I don't see what is the matter with me.  Hope I'll soon be better.

Thurs. Jan. 11, 1900 Text Gal. 6:9 
Nice cold grey day.  I've had another sick day with my old dinner basket.  Got up feeling terrible and as soon as Mrs. P. came out to the kitchen she made me quit work.  About ten o'clock I felt better and went up to see dear Mrs. Griffin.  Poor little soul is sick and looks real bad.  We had a pleasant little chat and she gave me a cordial invitation to come whenever I could.  I shall go. She was telling me about getting the stuff to make some handkerchiefs for Christmas presents, one of which was to have been for me but she was so sick she couldn't make them.  Dear Soul, to think so kindly of me.  This pm Mrs. Parish took me down to see Dr. Ruffe.  He gave me a little bottle of medicine which I hope will help me.  All the stores are having linen sales and there was a little old lady in the window spinning flax on a little old fashioned wheel.  It was real interesting.  I bought a white apron 32¢ and a new pen 1¢  and some envelopes 5¢.

Fri. Jan. 12, 1900       Text Mark 10:27 
This is cousin Gladys May Mortimer's birthday.  One year old.  Cool grey day with a few balls of sticky snow.  Got a letter from Mary & Net.  Poor M has a horrid cold and poor Net is such a horrid writer & speller. I wish she would practice till she could be passably well at least.  Poor Mrs. Griffin is very sick  Oh, I hope she will soon be better.  Mrs. Parish took her a beautiful red rose this eve.  And she sent me across the street with two for Mr. Morse and his daughter who are sick.
Year ago I was at Valton with Mary in Mrs. Clemons house and I remember I was real sick so I couldn't go work for Annie when Henry Gibbons came for me.

 Sat. Jan. 13, 1900       Text Prov. 19:17 
Grey day with a little soft wet snow falling at intervals.  Have worked quite hard today but do not feel very tired tonight.  I rec'd a letter & a very beautiful Calendar from dear Maude Frazier.  May the Lord bless and save & keep her.  This eve when I took a phone message to Mrs. Crittenden she said if she kept a girl I would be just the kind she'd want because I was honest and she could trust me.  I'm glad she thinks so well of me.  Poor Mrs. Griffin is not better.  I was thinking today of a year ago New Year night.  We Mary, Net and Smelcers went to hear dear Hannah Mann talk and how I told her that her talk did me lots of good & she put her arm around me in such a loving way and said she was glad to hear it & then what fun I had when Louie Lee came as far as the fence with me.  haha.  Pretty Good.  (HaHa again Sat - Mar. 8, 1901)

Sun. Jan. 14, 1900     Text Matthew 5:6  
The ground was covered with snow this morning but it was so wet it melted off.  I got dinner alone today.  It was good too.  Chicken, mashed potatoes, lima beans, mince pie, doughnuts, bread & butter.  After dinner I went up to see dear Mrs. Griffin.  She is a little better today so I stayed quite a while and had a lovely visit.  We talked & talked and she lent me some Ladies Home Journals so kindly.  Oh, I do hope she will get well.  I love her so much.

 Mon. Jan. 15, 1900    Text Ps. 19:14  
Snowed nearly all day.  Bit wet flakes and tonight everything is covered so beautifully.  Oh for a real good old fashioned snowy winter like we used to have.  I washed & did the other work and cleaned some silver.  This eve I combed my hair quite pretty for a wonder and put on my blue dress & white apron & slippers and felt real neat for a while.  Mrs. G is better today but blue because it is such dull weather.  Poor dear.

Tues. Jan. 16, 1900   Text Ps. 117:173-176 
Everything was so very beautiful and white this morning, covered with a thick coat of damp snow.  Did my ironing forenoon and wrote to Mattie Hall this afternoon.  Ada came over a little while.

Wed. Jan. 17, 1900    Text Matt. 6:33  
Rained nearly all day making very slippery sidewalks.  Mrs. Cool came this morn and is here for the night.  Mr. Olmstead was here for dinner.  I sent a letter to Maude Frazier and one to Mattie Hall today.  Dear Mrs. Griffin is not so well today.

 Thurs. Jan. 18, 1900     Text Matt. 11:28
How the days fly!  And I get so little done.  Mrs. Cool stayed all day and is here for the night.  Horrors I wish she would draw her visit to a close seeing I'm not feeling real extra well.  I went up to see dear Mrs. Griffin.  She is worse today poor soul.  I took her some fried cakes.  Mrs. Barlow was there & Mrs. G. introduced us.  She is a sweet woman.  Rain & Slush.  It would be awful if it should freeze now.

Fri. Jan. 19, 1900       Text Matt 10:29-32 
Foggy this morn & grey all day.  Ms. Cool went home today. She has lots of money but is very unhappy.  Got a nice long letter from the dear cousin Della. She said Mary was going with that detestable John James and she'd not be at all surprised if they'd get married.  Oh it just breaks my heart to hear my dear sister act so.   May God open her eyes before she ruins herself by tying to that little black imp for life.  Fred & Mabel are (or are) soon to be married.  Much joy to them is my wish.  Mrs. Parish went to see dear Mrs. Griffin and found her much better.  I'm so glad and hope she will keep on improving.  Dell said Ed had got Annie a nice piano and she was going to get one in the spring.  Whew! wouldn't I like to have that much money.

Sat. Jan. 20, 1900       Text Eph 4:28-32
May God give me Grace to do those things.  Grey day with snatches of sunshine occasionally.  Baked this morn & took dear Mrs. Griffin a nice loaf this pm.  She is better and expects to make us a visit next week.  Oh, I do hope she will be able to.  Dear precious little soul.  Had a nice visit with her and enjoyed it ever so much.  Most beautiful starry night.  The Heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handy work. 
Ps. 19:1

Sun. Jan. 21, 1900     Text Matt. 6:14  
Oh I wish I'd never hold an unforgiving thought a moment.  God help me to forgive as I would be forgiven.  This has been a lovely bright day with rather cold wind.  I went to the Fountain St. Church this morn & heard quite a good sermon & after church I rented a sitting for 6 mos. for $2.00.  I don't know if I acted wisely or not.  May God direct me in everything is my prayer.  Rev. Randall shook hands with me today.   Fri. Jan. 26, 1900  I have been thinking all week how foolish it was for me to rent a sitting in that church when there are so many ways that I could do better with the money so today I wrote a note to Mr. Thornton saying he need not keep that seat for me, so now I'm free again.  Good.

 Mon. Jan. 22, 1900    Text Ps. 103:12-14  
Bright beautiful day.  Did my wash and this pm Ada and I went down town.  Didn't buy anything.  Looked at some rings for Mary & Net.  Last fall when I was cleaning the pantry Mrs. Parish showed me the plate her brother ate from in the war (1861-65) and also some of the hardtack they had to eat.

Tues. Jan 23, 1900    Text Matt. 11:28  
I was so tired this morn that text seemed very appropriate.  Oh for rest for I am tired.  I was up a quarter to 4 yesterday and again this morning and it is eleven o'clock now.  I ironed & cleaned my room besides the other work.  Watson said the 3 quickest ways to sent a message was to tell a graph (telegraph) tell a phone (telephone) and tell a woman.  Haha.  he always is saying something funny & punny.  Nice clear pleasant day.

Wed. Jan. 24, 1900    Text Rom. 1:16  
Have had all sorts of weather today. First it was grey and rather cold with a good breeze blowing.  then it got more cloudy and dark and about noon there came a sudden shower.  Then the sun came out nice & warm and again at 3 o'clock it was real cloudy and dark and it rained another sudden shower and after that it began to clear up so it is real nice and clear tonight.

Thur. Jan 25, 1900    Text 1 John 2:2  
Snow this morn, growing colder & clear as the day went by so tonight it is real cold.  Have worked hard today & finished sweeping the rooms.  Tonight I went down to the Baptist Church to a session of a Missionary Conference being held here.  The Pres. of Kalamazoo College made an address & also Rev. Wm. Ashmore an old man who has been a Missionary in China many years.  His address was very interesting. He is a fine speaker.  Mr. Howard who conducted the meeting said 2 cute things.  1st When the Pres. of Kalamazoo College rattled around he usually got some results & 2nd that Mich. was a great state for copper & a great deal of it found its way into the contribution box.  Dear Mrs. Parish helped me do the work so I got an early start.  She is very kind to me.

Fri. Jan. 26, 1900       Text I John 5:1
Oh that I had a deeper love for God.  I do truly want to be a good girl. Cold day.  I am tired and sleepy.  Ada came over and we had lots of fun reading some funny things in the Ladies Home Journals.  Wish I could take it.

Sat. Jan. 27, 1900       Text Ps. 51:9-12
Cold grey day.  Snow tonight.  Mrs. Tanner came & stayed to dinner & when she went home I sent a $ to a poor woman who lives out there near her.  I went up and called on Mrs. Griffin a little while this eve. She is better & had gone to see a sick neighbor, Mrs. Decker.  I hope she will soon be able to come down here.  Mrs. Peebles & Flora came over awhile & flora & I had a good time in the kitchen.

Sun. Jan. 28, 1900     Text Isa. 43:25
Snowy, blowy and cold.  Mr. Sones, a friend of Mrs. Parishes who dropped dead on the St. last Thurs. eve was buried today.  Had company to dinner & supper & all night.  A Mr. Walsdorf - a widower who used to go to Mr. Parishes' school.  I wrote to Mary, Net & Noah.

 Mon. Jan. 28, 1900    Text Rev. 22:17
Did my wash & the other work & ironed some this eve.  Such cold blowy weather. It is snowing & blowing & oh so cold tonight.  I am very thankful for food & shelter & I pity the unfortunate ones who have to suffer so much in cold weather.  Oh if each one that could would help the poor how much suffering would be avoided.  Got a letter from Maude Frazier this morn.

Tues. Jan. 30, 1900   Text John 1:12
Cold with some snow.  Nice lot of snow on the ground now.  Mrs. Crittenden had me come over to help her dress for a reception.  I like to do that.  Got my ironing done before noon.

Wed. Jan. 31, 1900    Text Isa. 45:22
Beautiful cold day lots of snow & the merry jingle of sleigh bells is heard ever & ever so often.  I long for a good sleigh ride.  This eve a little girl came to sell tickets for the poor children's show fund so I bought one (10¢) and am entitled to admission to the entertainment for that purpose which is next Friday at 4:15 pm.  I've been reading some tonight in the Ladies Home Journals.
Ada & I went to the Entertainment but it was rather a disappointment in most respects.  I do hate to a female in tights or low neck dresses.  There was one specimen of each there.

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