Sunday, July 1, John 3:16
Changeable, one shower in pm and several sprinkles in am. Cleared off nice along in pm. I went to Friend’s S.S. and stayed to church. A Mr. Volmar from Iowa is here to hold a series of meetings and he preached. Winnie and Irma came over and we had a nice time. JEANNE'S NOTE: I BELIEVE THIS MAY BE THE MR. VOLMAR MENTIONED.
"Reverend Philip J. VOLLMER, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Goshen, 1880's and Mount Ayr Methodist Church, 1884-1887. Rev. VOLLMER was born in 1845, and died August 15, 1924, with interment at Corydon Cemetery, Corydon, Wayne County, Iowa."
"Reverend Philip J. VOLLMER, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Goshen, 1880's and Mount Ayr Methodist Church, 1884-1887. Rev. VOLLMER was born in 1845, and died August 15, 1924, with interment at Corydon Cemetery, Corydon, Wayne County, Iowa."
Monday, July 2, Ps. 119:133
Cloudy and cool, some sprinkles. I swept up stairs, picked some currants, fixed strings for morning glories to vine on. Allie G. and I went up to Mary Albert’s and stayed while Albert went to school meeting. Nice and Clear tonight.
Tuesday, July 3, John 3:16
Quite warm and somewhat cloudy. I baked bread and made some lovely currant jelly. Got a letter from Lennie and a nice cook book from Washburn-Crsby Co. I ran up to Tillie’s in the eve and about dark who should come along but dear old Horace and stopped and then the fun began and we had a bit time till 11:30 or later. Then I came home and on the way we planned to go to Wood tomorrow. Horace stayed at Tillie’s all night.
Wednesday, July 4, 1906, Ps. 119:33-45
A fine day. I was up early and got my work done and went down to Jim’s where Horace borrowed Jim’s rig and we went to Wood. Talked a few minutes in V. Saw lots of acquaint in Wood. Had dinner with Hannah and Mert, etc. Horace got Ina F. and I some ice cream and oranges. We came from Wood and went to Hanson’s for supper. Talked with a number in V. then after supper we came up to church in the tent and on home. Horace found a pr. Of good black kid gloves and they just fit me so he gave them to me. I’ve had such a good time this 4th.
Thursday, July 5, Luke 13:24
Very nice day. I skimmed around and got my work done and went to V. in pm. And Horace came back as far as Allie’s and in the eve I went down and took a piece of ribbon for Mamie and a hdkf for Lennie and glass of jelly for Mary to Allie’s so Horace could put them in his satchel. Visited a spell.
Friday, July 6, Amos 5:15
A very fine day. I ran down this morn and gave Horace a letter for Lennie and we had a little chat and he gave me a photo of himself, Lennie, and Tony. Then I came home and got ready and went up on the Bradley corner and went to town with Nettie H. and Horace and we had a nice time. Had ice cream at Roache’s and a lively time at Mr. Sands and dinner besides. We said good bye to Horace and came home. I got corset 75¢, supporters 15¢, hose 50¢ and pins 10¢. A nice time but sorry to have to part with Horace.
Saturday, July 7, John 3:16
Nice fine day. 3 years ago Horace took Net and Mary to the train and I went along and that is the last I ever saw them. I worked all day and made some more jelly. Tillie and I went to V. this eve. Wish I could see Mary and Net and Mary’s children also. Horace’s folks Polly Peterson yelled ‘Hello Horace” when I went past there this eve. Nice name so I don’t care.
Sunday, July 8, Ps. 19:14
Nice day. Quite warm. I went to S.S. (late) and to Camp Church at Valton. Saw Orphah Baldwin that lives near Mary. I had dinner with Sarah and Mabel Hutchins. Fine. Was at Dell’s in pm trying to ease Edith Hutchins toothache. She got better and had a nap. I came home after 6 and wrote to Laura in the eve. Maude Frazier is home and I hope I will get to see her.
Monday, July 9, John 3:16
Warm and looked as if it would cloud up and rain but it didn’t. Quite cloudy tonight. I worked at currants, berries, all day. Got a dozen jelly glasses today. Had Jim bring them over and I ran down to get them this eve. Noah commenced haying.
Tuesday, July 10, Eph. 4:29-32
Few slight sprinkles. Nice, warm. Allie and I went to V. this pm. I got a letter from Horace and Lennie. Maude’s tea set came. Tillie and I tok it up this eve. Very pretty. Letter from Mary.
Wednesday, July 11, John 3:16
Warm, some cloudy. Haying. I ans. and sent Lennie and Horace a letter. Mary Albert came up this pm and I went nearly home with her. She had Rose’s family picture and it looked good. Mattie and Myra are so pretty.
Thursday, July 12, Ps. 119:133
Warm. Haying. I washed. Got the first mess of peas today. I commenced a letter to Mary this eve.
Friday, July 13, John 3:126
Warm. I picked berries what time I had in am. Mopped and did other work in pm. Mary Albert and I went to church in the eve. Volmar preached awful plain. Got Y.C. and 5¢ worth of pins.
Saturday, July 14, Ask and it shall be given you.
Warm and mostly cloudy. Shower in pm. Foggy this eve. I did the usually Sat. work. Cleaned up my room and front room. Dad and Noah had a row with me and so I s’pose I’ve got to leave. Hope I can get to put my truck in Horace’s house. Oh, I don’t know why I was ever born. May the Lord help me. Frank and Maude have a boy, born today – premature (7 mos).
Sunday, July 15, John 3:16
Nice day. Cool. I went to S.S. and Tent Church in Am. Came home and washed cans and cleaned up then went back and had supper at Dell’s and a nice time. Went to Church where Vollmar preached his last sermon here and after preaching such a blessed time as they had. They tried to get Sim, Dolph, Bernie, and Duck and were all coaxing, pleading, weeping, and praying, when finally Sim came and in about 20 minutes the dear boy was on his feet with glory shining on his face and a new song in his mouth – even praise to God. Ab Good, bless him, how he did plead and so did all the rest, but Dolph, Duck, and Bernie didn’t come. About 3 am we got home. Such a blessed meeting.
Monday, July 16, Ps. 119:133
Such a perfect morn and am. Cool, and sparklingly clear. Cloudy in pm. I went over to Allie’s in pm. She told me a very surprising story in which I figured. Went up to see Maude and baby. It is awful little. Maude is not able to see any company. Had a good day spiritually.
Tuesday, July 17, Ps. 19:14
Beautiful, cool day. Tillie and I went to V. this pm. Noah got his milk check and gave me $10.00. Still owes me $13.97 to yesterday. I’m expecting Maude Frazier tomorrow. Hope she’ll come. Wrote to Lestie tonight.
Wednesday, July 18, John 20:29
Very nice day. Noah got in the last of what hay he had ready and cut some more. I got a good letter from Mary and Lennie H. I went up to Frank’s and Aunt Malinda’s this eve with Tillie. Maude isn’t extra well – no one can see her. Boy thriving. It is sprinkling rain now – about 10:30 or so.
Thursday, July 19, Matt. 5:6 & 16
Nice quiet rain in the night and part of the am. I wrote to Mary and Lennie. Did the usual work. I’m so glad I was at the meeting last Sunday eve. and Monday morn. Wish I could see Sim.
Friday, July 20, John 3:16
Nice, also warm. I went to Mrs. Bull’s with Tillie in pm to get a crate of black-caps. We picked a few as she wasn’t quite done when we got there. She gave me enough for 2 messes and also gave us some nice flowers. Maude Frazier, the old dear, came home from Valton with me and we visited a streak. I got a letter from (cousin) Nell Thompson saying their barn was struck by lightening and everything burned except the live stock. I’m sorry.
Saturday, July 21, Matt. 7:7-11
Nice also warm. Id did my Sat’s work and visited as best I could with Maude. She went to V. and on home. Started about 4. I went to the top of the hill with her. Ida and I went up to Tillie’s a minute.
Sunday, July 22, Ps. 119:133
Somewhat cloudy and threatening rain in am, but cleared up beautifully about noon. I went to church and heard Warner’s sermon then went down and heard most of Mrs. Monroe’s sermon. It was blessed to see Fred and Ab and Sim sitting together looking happy. Nellie Hanson, Ethel Jordan and I went home with Fred’s and had a very nice time. Came back to Endeavor and that was so good. Ethel Hutchins led the Endeavor. Hannah Mann is to be here next Sun. and will preach if she is able. Good.
Monday, July 23, Ps. 141:3
Beautiful day. I washed and did other work. Busy all day. Noah and Al whacked away at the hay. Ran up to Tillie’s this eve and got some string beans.
Tuesday, July 24, Ps. 37:3-9
Beautiful day. I did the housework and some odd jobs. Ran down to Eddie’s this eve. Mrs. Van Loon is up and I was glad to see her. The Lord has been my keeper today and every day since Sunday July 15, 1906. May the Lord keep us all always.
Wednesday, July 25, Matt. 7:7
Nice, clouded up in pm. Looked as tho ‘twould rain but didn’t. I ironed and did other work. Tillie and I went up to Aunt Malinda’s and I ran down to Franks. Nettie DuBois is up. Poor Maude is not getting well at all. She is so weak and nervous. I didn’t see her. Got a good letter from Mary, Horace and Lennie. God has helped me today.
Thursday, July 26, Ps. 19:14, Ps. 46:1
Nice fine day. Dear Teed came up and stayed till church time and we went to church together. Mr. Meggs preached and Mr. Bloome sang and talked some. They are Advents. I hope they will do good or not stay.
Friday July 27, Ps. 37:4-8
Warm and clear. I worked hard all day. Ran up to Tillie’s a few minutes this eve. Ans. Horace’s folks letter this morn. Oh, I wish I could see them. Poor dear Noah was joking with me this eve about borrowing a $ and the last thing I said was to tell him kindly he could have it. NOTE added: Oh, I wish he hadn’t been killed JEANNE'S NOTE - NOAH SMITH WAS KILLED BY LIGHTNING JULY 28, 1906. See Hattie's next post.
Saturday, July 28, Luke 5:32 and Ps. 46:1
Oh such a sad day. Commenced to storm early this morn and Noah and Pa went out to put up some hay and poor dear Noah was killed with lightening. Oh, the poor dear child. We didn’t know it till he was dead an hour or more. I phone to Eddie and Henry and they came up and helped Al carry him in and get him laid out. John Mulholland came and helped too. Rained all morning and was gloomy all day. So may came and did all they could. Nellie came up and stayed all night. Ab G. and Eddie Hanson, Tom Stuck, and Henry Thoenes watched. Nellie and I got them a lunch about midnight and got to bed before 3 am.
Sunday, July 29, Ps. 46:1
SIM MORTIMER, one of the pallbearers for Noah |
Nice day. Warm in pm. Jim, Sam, Hi, Jont, Mattie, and Lestie came and lots of others. The boys and Net and Mary didn’t come and I was so disappointed. Every one was kind and good. Warner came and prayed before we started to the church. Peters came with the hearse. He had a nice casket and h so many lovely flowers. Pall bearers – Ab Good, Arthur Hutchins, Bernie Carpenter, Albert Chamness and Dolph and Sim Mortimer. The grave was lined with white and the boys each threw a bouquet in the grave when Warner began to read the burial service. I think that was nice. So many came and comforted me and Ethel Jordan came home to stay all night with me. Dell had us and Sam and all to go home with them for supper then Spencer brought us home.
Monday, July 30, Ps. 61:1-2
Nice till eve, had quite a big shower with thunder and lightening. Did a lot of work. Oh, I’m so sad. Solly Frazier is here helping Al. Tillie and Tressie were here twice. I looked for the boys and Nettie today but they didn’t come. I wish they would.
Tuesday, July 31, Isa. 51:12
Nice day. Cloudy at eve and cooler. I’ve been busy all day. Tillie and I went to V. this eve. and I paid for the things I got to wear to dear Noah’s funeral. I got such a good letter from Horace’s today. I wrote to Net and the boys and hope they will come down. Oh, I’m so sad. May the Lord help me.
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