Tuesday, May 1, Isa. 50:9
Nice day. I went over to Nellie’s school with her. Went to V in pm. Got apron 23¢. Wish I could repeat the pleasures of a year ago today. Al and Tillie are about settled. Noah plowed the garden.
Wednesday, May 2, Eph. 4:29-32
Rained in forenoon, cleared off along in pm. I started the wash. Ran over and paid Allie for butter. Al and Tillie are staying up at Noah’s tonight for the first night. Got a letter from Mary. John is sick. Looks so nice and spring like after the rain.
Thursday, May 3, Deut. 33:27
Cool and pleasant. Cloudy till in pm, cleared off very nice. I was ‘terrible’ sick this morn for a while and felt bad all day. Got the white clothes washed. Got a nice letter from Mary and Lennie and Mamie Harvey. Ran up to Tillie’s a while this eve. Sent Mary Smith James a letter.
Friday, May 4, John 3:16
Quite a nice day till eve, it clouded up and rained and thundered and lightened. I finished my wash and aired my bedding, windy.
Saturday, May 5, 1906
Below - Nellie HANSON MORTIMER when she was old.
Busy, sent for my machine head as they wouldn’t bring it out. Nellie Hanson came along about 2 pm and stayed all night. We went down to the big spring and got some water cress and went up to Tillie’s in the eve. Wish I could go to an entertainment like I did a year ago tonight.
Sunday, May 6, Ps. 16:11
Cold, windy and cloudy. I went to SS and to Aunt Phebe’s for dinner. Wrote to Mary, Lennie and Mamie.
Monday, May 7, Isa. 33:17
Nice, cool, chilly, wind. I ironed.
Tuesday, May 8, Job 22:28
Commenced to rain about midnight and was snowing by morn. Snowed about all forenoon. Regular old blizzard from the north. I ans. Net’s letter.
Wednesday, May 9, John 3:16
Nice day. I spent the pm up at Tillie’s. Ran over to Allie’s in the eve to get butter. Got 20¢ worth of stamps. Ans. Uncle Sam’s letter.
Thursday, May 10, John 20:29
Nice day. I cleaned the pantry. All day job.
Friday, May 11, Deut. 33:27
Nice, breezy and warm. I cleaned up the things in general. Mopped, baked, etc. Hoped Nellie would stay but she didn’t. Tillie came down this eve. She gave me a nice little cup and saucer. Oh how I’d like to see Horace’s folks.
Saturday, May 12, Ps. 51:10
Warm and very windy. I went down and got Allie and we went to V. Got envelopes 5¢. Clouded up and threatened to rain but didn’t. Noah talks some of having a telephone. Wish we could.
Sunday, May 13, John 3:16
Rained a lot in the night. Cloudy and cool today. I went to S.S. and church and down to Hanson’s. Noah and I went up and spent the eve with Al and Tillie.
Monday, May 14, Ps. 119:133
Cloudy and cool. Little splatter of rain this morn. I washed. Tillie came down this pm and again this eve.
Tuesday, May 15, Jas. 1:5
Nice, rather warm. Tillie and I went up to Aunt Malinda’s and Maude’s this pm. Had a nice time. I wrote to Lestie. “It has come” this morn.
Wednesday, May 16, Eph. 2:8
Changeable. Some rain in the morn and big shower after dinner, then it came off nice. I got a letter from Mary. They are having a hard time up there. I wrote to Laura and Aunt Becca and part of a letter to Mary. Ironed in forenoon.
Thursday, May 17, John 3:16
Warm and windy. I went to V. this pm and to Allie Gibbon’s. She is making Maggie Mulholland’s wedding dress. It is thin pea green silk. Quite pretty. Got a good letter from Horace, Mary and Lennie. So glad to hear from them again. But I wish I could see them instead.
Friday, May 18, Prov. 22:9
Nice but windy. I baked bread and cake and mopped. Nellie came over from school and after supper we went to V. and Bill Gibbons said we could have the horse and buggy to go to Ironton tomorrow. Lovely eve. Got a letter from Lestie.
Saturday, May 19, Joel 2:329
Just the loveliest, cool, clear, calm day. Nellie, Little Walter and I went to Ironton and La Valle. Had dinner and a nice chat with Sarah Ballentine. Talked a few minutes with Mrs. Van Loon. I took my shoes back to Andrews and he gave me the money, $3.25. At La Valle I got 2 prs slippers $2.00 and $1.75 a pr., $3.00 shoes. Got cookies and maple sugar 25¢. We had a pleasant time.
Sunday, May 20, Eph. 4:29-32
Very nice. Kinder cloudy towards eve. I went to S.S. and church and up to Tillie’s in pm. Mr. Jackson, Aunt Malinda, Tressie and Fred Hutchins and Jim Mortimer were there. I commenced a letter to Horace’s.
Monday, May 21, Ps. 51:9
Rained quite a bit in the night. Quite nice today. I sent my letter to Horace’s. Went down to Ida’s and over to Allie Gibbons’ and up to Tillie’s so I haven’t done much work.
Tuesday, May 22, Amos 4:14
Quite a nice day. I sent Mamie a letter. Nellie came over after school and we sewed on her dress. She is here for the night.
Wednesday, May 23, Ps. 34:13
Mostly cloudy and warm. Came up a very hard rain this pm and hailed some too. Rain poured in torrents for a spell. I went a piece with Nellie this morn. Got a good letter from Laura. Tillie came down during the rain.
Thursday, May 24, Luke 18:14
Quite warm and growling for rain till this eve, it ‘let have’ and we had a big shower. I swept upstairs and cleaned up my room and the front room. Oh, I wish I could run down to Horace’s these days like I used to. I never tho’t of it being Noah’s birthday till eve. Wish I could give him a present.
Friday, May 25, Eph. 4:29-32
Cloudy and little sprinkles of rain occasionally. Some signs of clearing up at eve. I did the washing and other work. Nellie came along from school and I went over to the corner of the field with her. She said I could go with her folks to Wonewoc Madison day.
Saturday, May 26, John 3:16
Such a day! North east gale before which a drizzle was blown and this eve it is pouring rain. I did my Sat. work in am and went up to Tillie’s this pm and gassed .
Sunday, May 27, Isa. 53:6
Cold and rainy. I stayed at home all day. Wrote to Lestie and Laura. Read some.
Monday, May 28, John 3:16
Lovely morn. Hard frost and quite cool but so very beautiful. I went to V. with Allie G. in pm. Henry G., Noah, Al Jackson and Eddie M. are setting Telephone poles today. I got pens, 5¢ and a present for Mamie’s birthday 15¢. When I came home there were 6 sows with their pigs in the garden and I had a hard chase to get rid of them.
Tuesday, May 29, Eph. 4:29-32
A somewhat cloudy and rather cool. Rained from about 4pm. Not much. I sent Mamie the little book for her birthday, 7 years old. Got a very pleasant letter from Horace, Mary and Lennie. Oh, how I wish I could see them and be near them always. I do miss them so much. God grant I may see them soon in peace and happiness. I ironed and baked bread.
Wednesday, May 30, Eph. 4:29-32
Fine day. Dear little Mamie’s birthday. Nellie came and stayed all night on her way to school. (JEANNE'S NOTE: Mamie Harvey Detmers, is third from left in the back back row, in 1919)
Thursday, May 31, Ps. 119:133
Nice day. Lovely eve. Nellie came over and she and I and Tillie and Arland and Al went over to the Graduating exercises at Valton. Held at Louie’s Hall. Edna Hutchins, Leota Carpenter, Spencer Mortimer and Joe Mayo graduated. Edna had the best essay and read it the best. Hers was on Susan B. Anthony. Leota’s was next best, about the cotton gin. Spencer’s was about Japan and Joe’s about John Paul Jones. They both read too fast. Mr. White wrote a class prophecy. We watched them skate after the school doings were over. Letter from Lestie and one from Net.
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