Beautiful day, cold and windy. I went with Horace’s to Teed’s Rag Bee and had a good dinner and a tip top time. Got the back numbers of the Y.C. I sent for except one, Feb. 4 1892.
Thursday, November 2, Ps. 119:165
Grey and Warmer. I digged in the work to make up for being gone yesterday. Ran down to Susie’s in the eve.
Friday, November 3, Ps. 119:133
Grey. I mopped and cleaned up things some. Ran down to Horace’s and got my premium for Glen Shore’s sub.
Saturday, November 4, Eph. 4:29-32
Nice pleasant day. Went to V. this pm. Got a stove pipe damper 10¢ and no mail.
Sunday, November 5, Ps. 67
Rainy and windy all day. I have been home all day. Read and wrote to Lestie.
Monday, November 6,
Grey but not very cold. Ran down after the mail but got none.
Tuesday, November 7, Matt. 7:7 & 10:29:31
Quite a big snow during the night. Thawy today so it is very bad underfoot. I sent for the 3 missing back numbers of the Y.C. = 12¢. Made me a pr. Of pantaloons this pm and eve.
Wednesday, November 8, Ps. 9:8,9
Grey and cool. I went to V. This pm and got the Y.C. Aunt Phoebe gave me part of a head of cabbage. This is Abe’s birthday = 36.
Thursday, November 9, John 3:16
Beautiful day – roads bad tho. I went down and spent the eve with Horace’s. They have rented their place to Jim Mortimer and are going away in the spring. I’d rather any other family went than them. Wrote to Carrie Woolever today and asked her to take the Y.C. and hope she will.
Friday, November 10, Matt. 7:7
Beautiful day. Abe came over and stayed to dinner and till after 4pm, then I rode down to Horace’s and where we got there he wanted me to go up to Canon’s so up we went and had a pleasant little call. Jim is looking rather peaked. Hilda is coming next week. Abe brought me up home when we came back. Al and Tillie came last eve. Good.
Saturday, November 11, Gal. 6:2
Beautiful day. I cleaned my room and the front room and did a lot of other work. Lovely moonlight eve.
Sunday, November 12, Golden Text for today.
Beautiful day, warm and pleasant. Lennie and I went to S.S. and Friend’s Church. I came over and stopped at Susie’s a while. Ran down to Horace’s in the eve. I shall hate to see them go away. Dear little Mamie is so sweet. I can’t think of parting with her.
Bertha Mosing Jessop, Ole Mosing, Anna Mosing Gibeaut,
Mary Mosing Wallace, Susie Mosing Mortimer
Monday, November 13, Prov. 22:4
Nice in the morn. Clouded up and blew and got colder and in the eve cleared up again. Beautiful night. Aunt Becca and Uncle Hiram are here to night. I ran down and got a letter from the Y.C. saying they couldn’t send the number for Feb. 4, 1892 but have sent the others.
Tuesday, November 14, Eph. 4:29-32
Nice in forenoon but quite cold. Windy and colder in pm and very windy tonight. I went to V. this pm. Got my Y.C.’s Aunt Becca and Uncle Hiram went down to Susie’s.
Wednesday, November 15, Matt. 5:8
Cloudy and somewhat cool warmer at eve and a little rain. Teed and Alf came up and bought Net’s bed stead and springs for $3.00 and 9 lbs. Carpet rags (sewed) for 90¢. Ed Hanson is here working for Noah.
Thursday, November 16, John 14:15
Beautiful day. I digged all day. Washed the kitchen windows this pm. Wrote to Laura and Net this eve.
Friday, November 17, Ps. 119:133, 134
Fine day. Aunt Malinda and all her kids had a family group photo taken at Wonewoc today. I ran up to Aunt Malinda’s and down to Maude’s a few minutes this pm. Pleasant time. Jim Canon is worse and they have sent for all the children.
Saturday, November 18, Prov. 3:9
Very nice mild day. Mr. Van Loon died suddenly this morning. I went to V. this pm and up to Aunt Malinda’s this eve. Lennie went along and we did have such a big time. Dear Tillie. I guess she will stay another week. Wish Al could, too. Arland is a great kid, full of antics.
Sunday, November 19, Isa. 55:7
Nice day. I went to S.S. and Friend’s church. A lot of us signed a petition asking Pres. Roosevelt to do something about the revenue on rum. I went up to Wm. Hutchins.
Monday, November 20, I John 2:25
Nice day. Sim Mortimer and Ed Hanson are working here. I digged all day. Hemstitched a bit this eve.
Tuesday, November 21, Eph. 4:29-32
Lovely Indian Summer day. Tillie and Arland came up just after noon and are here for the night. Dear Tillie is such a dear child and Arland is a cute kid. Sim and Ed are here.
Wednesday, November 22, John 3:16
Lovely day. Tillie stayed till pm. Horace’s went to Wonewoc and Mamie came up and stayed with me. She is such a dear child. I went down to Horace’s when they came home and spent the eve. Got Ladies’ Home Journal, Y.C. and a sample of “Tales.” Wish I could go to Zion.
Thursday, November 23, Rom. 5:19
Cloudy but nice. Commenced to rain and blow hard just after dark. I’ve been busy all day. Sim and Ed here.
Friday, November 24, Ps. 119:133
Grey and very windy and quite cold tho’ not very cold. I found a ring this side of Eddie’s as I came back from Horace’s this morn. Chased band ring – too large for me. Went up to Aunt Malinda’s this pm and had a picnic with Tillie. Maude was there. Noah finished cementing his basement floor this eve.
Saturday, November 25, Ps. 19:12 & Prov. 19:17
Aunt Elizabeth’s birth anniversary 17 years ago today she and Aunt Phebe came up here. Cloudy and little snow this morn, then came off clear and nice. I digged all day and didn’t go anywhere.
Sunday, November 26, Isa. 12:2
Nice day, muddy. Lennie and I went to S.S. and church and to Aunt Phebe’s. We went up to Aunt Malinda’s this eve to visit Tillie.
Monday, November 27, Matt. 5:25-33
Gray and somewhat windy, not every cold. Rain and snow tonight. I’ve been busy all day. Got a letter from Lestie. I wrote a letter to Elder Rachel Thomas – Zion City, this eve and asked what prospect there is for work in Zion. It is getting worse and worse here and I’d like a change for the better.
Tuesday, November 28, Ps. 119:18
Windy, not cold, mostly cloudy. Snow all melted. I washed. Maude came up to go canvassing for Y.C. but I couldn’t go so we were both disappointed. Sent my letter to Mrs. Rachel Thomas and hope I’ll get a good ans. NOTE: I did Dec. 14.
Wednesday, November 29, Matt. 25:34-40
Boo! It’s cold! With a flurry of snow in the night and a sprinkling of frost in the air all day. Cloudy mostly clear this eve. Got a letter from Laura and one from Net. Tillie went home and Frank went to Withee to see about a farm. Maude went down to see her folks over Thanksgiving.
Thursday, November 30, Ps. 147.
Thanksgiving Day. Beautiful but cold. I went down to Horace’s a few minutes this pm. Got my Y.C. It was so homelike there and up here everything is wrong. I don’t know why I have to be tormented so when I’m not to blame. I haven’t felt thankful because I’ve had so much provocation I couldn’t think of much else. I am thankful for the blessings I have and only wish I had the chance to enjoy them.
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