Friday, December 1, 1905 Ps. 18:6
Grey and chilly – I worked all day.
Saturday, December 2, Ps. 118:7
Cold, mostly cloudy.
Sunday, December 3, Matt. 26: 41
Snowed some in the night and some today. Cold and windy. I’ve been home all day. Read some in Y.C.’s and wrote to Net.
Monday, December 4, John 3:16
Beautiful forenoon then some cloudy and colder. Noah helped Eddie butcher and he is have half of the beef. I sorted old rag tags what time I had. Ran down to Horace’s this pm and got a letter from Mary and a David C. Cook catalog and a circular from the Y.C. Ans. Mary’s letter this eve. Sent Net’s renewal to the Companion and she and I renewed Mary’s sub. in Mary’s name today.
Tuesday, December 5, Matt. 7:7
Nice day. I renewed my Y.C. Went to V. this pm. Got May a pr. Of nice red mittens with L.T. money.
Wednesday, December 6, Ps. 119:41
Beautiful day. Maude and I went out canvassing for the Y.C. Stopped at Jen Marshe’s but she wasn’t at home then went to Tracy and found her there but she nor Tracy’s would take it. Stopped at an old Mrs. Fitzpatricks but she didn’t take it. Then we went to Ruth’s and had dinner and fooled around a while then went to Wonewoc and did some trading. I got my watch fixed and we came home. Stopped at Apker’s but failed again. Dear me. I wish I could have gotten some. Saw Edie Good and 3 of her children. Poor girl. I wish I could make a happy Christmas for her.
Thursday, December 7, The Lord loveth a cheerful giver.
Beautiful day. Busy all day. Picked a box for Mary. Sent all I could and wish it was lots more. Ran down to Horace’s this eve. and had quite a visit. Got Y.C. Horace is at Baraboo as a jury man.
Friday, December 8, Deut. 33:27
Nice day. Sent Mary’s box. Also wrote her a letter. Pa went to Wonewoc with Frank and Eddie Mortimer. I went to V. this pm but got no mail. Asked Cora Miller to take Y.C. but she didn’t. She has a cozy little home.
Saturday, December 9, Ps. 46:1
Cold, grey and windy, cleared up at eve and ‘tis a beautiful moonlight night. Busy day.
Sunday, December 10, Ps. 54:1-2
Cold and windy, mostly clear. Lennie and I went to S.S. and church. May Lewis preached. House was full. Hattie and Will Camp are here and Orin and Ethel Hutchins are home.
BOTTOM ROW: Rueben JONES, Hank F., Albert S. JONES
Monday, December 11, Ps. 19:14
Very fine warm day and a beautiful moonlight night. I have been busy all day. Ran down to Horace’s this eve and helped Lennie make a basket for the school basket supper next Friday night.
Tuesday, December 12, John 3:16
Nice day. Lovely eve. I ran down to Horace’s and helped Lennie finish her box for the Basket Supper. Horace got home today from Baraboo where he had been on the jury over a week.
Wednesday, December 13, Ps. 119:133
Cloudy till in pm. Cleared off and is a lovely night. I went to V. this pm. Allie G. went along. I was down to Horace’s a while this eve.
Thursday, December 14, Ps. 146:1
Beautiful day. I baked and got ready for the Basket Supper as near as I could. Got a lovely letter from Mrs. Rachel Thomas of Zion City in ans. to one I wrote her. How I wish I could go down there once. I went down to Horace’s this eve and helped some. Mr. White and Roscoe came over to ask Horace to auctioneer the Baskets off.
Friday December 15, John 8:10-11
A lovely day and eve. I hopped around and got ready for the Basket Supper and went down and went with Lennie. Horace and Mamie went and Mamie was my little girl during the entertainment and supper. The entertainment was good, especially the drill by the little kids and the song “Just Break the News to Mother”, The Eclipse of the Sun” and the Tableau Rock of Ages. The Glee Club’s tack song was good. Bernie Carpenter got my Basket.
Saturday, December 16, Ps. 121
Such a beautiful calm day. This has been a lovely week and today has been so fine. I’ve digged all day.
Sunday, December 17, Isa. 53:1-7
Nice day. I stated to S.S. but stopped at Horace’s and helped with the work. Mamie came home with me and stayed all night. I wrote to Lestie this eve. Mamie kissed me a lot of times. Dear little child, how I love her.
Monday, December 18, Isa. 55:7
Cloudy but nice. I took Mamie home this morn and digged the rest of the day. Pumped 18 pails of water to wash with. Ran down this eve but no mail. Wrote to Mrs. Rachel Thomas, Zion City.
Tuesday, December 19, Ps. 19
An exceptionally fine day. So warm and bright. I washed and dried the clothes out doors and didn’t mind hanging them out at all. I ran down to Horace’s this pm. After I got my work done but they hadn’t got the mail. Sent Mrs. Thomas letter today.
Wednesday, December 20, John 3:16
Grey. I went to Valton in pm and spent $1.45 for Christmas presents. Got a good letter from Tillie. She said they were going to Zion City in the spring and for me to get ready and go along. Hope I can. Heard that Nellie Canon is real sick with pneumonia. Jim Canon has been baptized. He is not expected to live much longer.
Thursday, December 21, Ps. 119:133
Big snow storm all day and part of last night. I dressed a doll for dear little Mamie. It is real pretty. Made a pretty hair bow for Lennie. Wish I could do just as I’d love to at Christmas.
Friday, December 22, Ps. 51:12
Grey. Folks out with bobs. I rode down to Horace’s with Noah this morn. Horace went after Caley this pm. Mamie came up and stayed with me. I wrote to Tillie and am going to send her a h’dk’f. Caley came and he stopped a minute and shook hands. Same dear boy.
Saturday, December 23, John 3:16
Somewhat cloudy and a little snow. Cleared up tonight and colder. I digged all day. Got a pretty butterfly calendar from Lestie and a Christmas card from Mae Hanzlik. It is nice to be remembered so at Christmas. I did up a basket of trifles for Horace’s folks this eve. Hope I can smuggle it to them without them seeing me. Helped Noah put the cows in the new barn for the first. Had quite a time.
Sunday, December 24, Matt. 1:21
Nice day. Lennie, Caley and I went to S.S. and church. Ida Murdock gave me a pretty little booklet “Pansies for Thoughts.” I came home after church then went down to Horace’s in the eve and succeeded in hiding the basket of things in the wood box. Stayed with Mary while the rest went to Church.
"Pansies for Thoughts" from 1888. Grace Livingston Hill lovingly chose passages from her aunt's Pansy Books and matched them with Bible verses for each day of the year. Modern reprints of "Grace Livingston Hill For Each New Day" leave out the references telling which Pansy Book each quote is from, but add the chapter and verse for the Bible verses."
Monday, December 25, Luke 2:8-14 Christmas Day
Grey in the morning then cleared off nice and has been pleasant all day. I rode over to Valton with Noah this morn and got me a pr. Of rubbers 50¢. Got a letter from Mary. Stopped at Horace’s a minute as I came back. Wrote to Mae Hanzlik this pm. Helped Noah put in the cows again tonight.
Tuesday, December 26, John 3:16
Nice day. Thawed all the sleighing off of the roads. I digged all day. Helped Noah put the cows in tonight. I wish they’d learn some sense once.
Wednesday, December 27, Ps. 119:18 & 133
Nice day, thawing, roads some what muddy. I went down to Horace’s this pm and helped Mary a little. Lennie and I went to church this eve. Noah went too. They closed the meetings. Got a letter from Net.
Thursday, December 28, Ps. 51:10
Snowed hard all day. Snow soft and damp. Noah got the deed for his new possession, Frank Mortimer’s back forty. Now he has 120 acres of land. He borrowed $800.00 of Henry Gibbons and $400.00 of pa to pay for it. $1200.00 in all. I got a nice over collar and cuffs from Mrs. Parish.
Friday, December 29, Matt. 7;&-11
Windy and quite cold. Drifting lots. I went down to Horace’s as Caley is to have a surprise party. Got there about 7 pm and had a long time to wait before the rest came but they finally came and got in all unknown to Caley so it was a complete surprise. Had quite a nice time. Those present were Jim and Ida, Edith, Ethel, Orin and Arthur Hutchins, Bernie Carpenter, Dick Chamness, Millie, Sim and Lester Mortimer, Eddie and Nellie Hanson, Millie Lee, Ira Gibbons, Roscoe Hutchins, Henry and Allie and Frank and Maude and myself. Had some nice music. I came home about 2 am.
Saturday, December 30, Isa. 55:7
Very fine day. Clear and calm. I digged all day.
Sunday, December 31, Deut. 33:27
Very fine day. Calie drove over to S.S. with the sled. Mamie, Lennie and I went. After S.S. we got Aunt Phebe and came back and I stayed and helped Mary get dinner. Nate and Mary came, also Wilson and Dell and the children and Rollie. Had a pleasant time. Another year gone. How I wish I were real good. May the Lord help me.
END OF 1905
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